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Chapter 25 Pg 3B

Korbaen sat down in the grass and Kane realized he was serious. He wasn’t going to leave. Still, she had to try. Trembling with a fear she had never known before, Kane rushed out onto the grass and stood next to Korbaen. “So you’re just another rishan male abandoning his job to do what he wants.” Kane shouted angrily. “Not going to work, go manipulate some other man.” Korbaen smiled, closed his eyes and shook his head, completely ignoring Kane’s little tantrum. He was enjoying the warmth of the sun on his skin. Kane felt immediately defeated. She wasn’t in a position with any power and she knew it. Korbaen continued ignoring her. Kane leaned back and sat in the grass heavily, deciding to try a different tactic and be truthful about her fears. “I … I don’t want to be locked up again.” “I’ve made up my mind.” Korbaen lifted his gaze to the sky, gazing at the fluffy white clouds passing slowly overhead. “I prefer the stars where I can’t see them.” Kane frowned, glancing at the ship and then back to Korbaen. She had to make a decision quickly, or it would be made for her. $137 to go to finish out the month and I've been so happy with it getting past the midway point - I actually managed to get more work done than normal. I'm going to try to get in some extra updates other than the Keith extra soon. I am also going to be able to get the text caught up over the weekend! Thank you all. It really does help meet the gap! - Tiff

8 thoughts on “Chapter 25 Pg 3B

  1. Then he’s going to hate cloudless nights.

    1. We can be sure that he’ll never become a night owl.

      Plus, he’ll probably like the stars better when there’s a horizon and a planet under him.

      1. Can’t argue with that logic.

  2. Haha, those kids are still standing there. Wonder what they’re thinking as they watch those two talk?

    1. Probably, ” oh, man, they’re totally gonna date.” “I’ll start a fanfiction!”

  3. “Is there a grand opening or something?”
    “Look at those freaks, it’s gotta be an anime store or something.”

  4. It’s kind of funny, in the first panel you can see the rant written all over her face. Then she completly deflates when obviously she gets the picture she can’t move him.

    Why do I get the picture that he’s no stranger to people like her or possibly worst.

    Of coarse, all things are different to ones perspective and the situation. So freedom can be veiwed as different things. Obviously they might have different views on what freedom is.

    1. lol i also like how he kinda looks sorry for her in the second pannel as well 😛

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