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September 26, 2004 (1 Comment)

Lexx nodded and sat back down, occupying himself with folding the blanket that was now tangling around his legs.  "Just so you know.  I never intended to put you in harm's way.  I would have stopped her if I had known." "Where is Stealth anyway?"  Chel glanced around the living area. "Off sulking somewhere," stated Lexx dryly, pulling at the blanket in his hands tightly.  He didn't want to think about the cat.  "And she can stay there for all I care.  She has been nothing but trouble." "Yes… but she's only a cat," shrugged Chel.  She had almost fully come to terms with the relay.  It wasn't hurting her.  She was stuck with it.  She knew how to use it now and understood how it worked, thanks to Riley, and that had helped a lot. "She knew better, Chel." Pointed out Lexx. Stealth sighed from where she was listening.  Her ears twitched sadly at the words being spoken.  She had managed to squeeze into a drawer earlier and was taking a nap on some of Lexx's clothes.  He would probably be annoyed at her for leaving little black hairs in them, but it didn't matter to Stealth.  She was so misunderstood. '… the risk was minimal… it was the only opportunity, but he still does not understand.  Lexx will never understand.'  Stealth mused to herself.  'It's all worked out well for us… but it was not JUST for us.  The relay was the only way to break through Lexx's shell and make him see into someone else.  He'll thank me someday.'

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