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Day 24 Part 4 Page 7

“Trasik was getting married?!”  Riley finally exploded in disbelief. “An arranged marriage, which she agreed to.”  Kade nodded slowly to Riley.  “I’ve never seen her happier than when we told her who we had chosen.” “Those were the days, back when Ma and Pa handled everything and there were no alien boys.”  Vic grumbled suddenly. “Dad!”  Chel glanced over her shoulder to give her father an annoyed look.

27 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 7

  1. I won’t lie–I burst out laughing when I read Vic’s line.

  2. Same here. Vic is trying to lighten the mood and did so in the right way. Thanks Tiff, after these past few months of gloom and doom, that little bit of humor just turned the mood around.

    I’d like to know who was chosen to be her new husband. He might hav e been in the ADC which is how she got captured so easily.

  3. I’m glad that went over well. 😀 I know there needed to be something to lighten the mood a little.

  4. 😀

    Vic’s getting into this pretty well! I’m sure he’s just teasing his daughter, but it does make a great tension breaker.

  5. Hmm. Everyone thinks Vic is just trying to lighten the mood but, at the least I think he’s kinda serious about the no alien boys part. After all, it’s hard enough if a father’s precious daughter brings home a normal human… But an alien involved in a dangerous fighting game? If his line of work didn’t already involve aliens and such, he would’ve had a full blown heart attack!

  6. I have a friend who writes on this topic, seriously. http://www.vonsbooks.com/home/theology/the-covenant-of-betrothal

    1. There is no way I would have wanted my parents to have anything to do with choosing my husband. 😀 I did a far better job than they would ever have done. But then, I also did not heavily ‘date’ since most of our relationship was online.
      On the other hand, as I’ve heard some say, it would be a lot easier if you didn’t have to waste time looking and just had it all arranged. 😉

      1. The parents have a much different perspective than the child. Based on my observation of both western style and arranged marriages, I would say it can work well with either party taking the initiative – IF the other party can veto. The parents might choose an economically attractive prospect, like the butcher in “Fiddler on the Roof”, but the child needs to be able to veto, “Yuck!” The child might choose a romantically attractive prospect, but the parents need to be able to veto, “maybe when one of you has a job that can support a family – we’re not supporting you.”

        1. My aunt had a romantically attractive prospect, but her parents and everyone at church said “No, he seems creepy!” She didn’t listen, they got married, he took out an insurance policy on her life and started arranging “accidents” (like the steering wheel coming off in her car). She got the marriage annulled, the insurance cancelled, and the guy disappeared. He hadn’t even shown up to “get some” on the honeymoon (which should have been a BIG tipoff…).

        2. Now THOSE are definitely good reasons to listen to your parents and other people. If EVERYONE is saying the same thing, it’s a good idea to take a really good look at that person you ‘love’. 😀 Preferably without being anywhere NEAR them so they can’t confuse you with how good they make you feel. I know it confuses people that Chel doesn’t just outright profess her love and go jump into bed with Lexx. 😉 I’ve received emails, you know who you are, wanting more clarifications on this and that. 😉 Please remember that I do not really decide what the characters do, nor do I always agree with their actions, but if I interfere in certain instances, one way or another, it will be very clear that it was not a choice the character really made. That whole little thorny issue of Chel mentioning she knows she shouldn’t be involved with someone who shares her values, some think that’s silly, others think it’s not, some might get really conflicted, but in the end, what the characters choose and go through in the future impacts their decisions and the results of those decisions.
          Any reasonable parent would be screaming: Get away from that boy from space, you don’t know where he’s been!
          Vic has other things to say. Carefully.
          But he has other insights and observations.
          Riley has very different observations, just wanting the best for Lexx – and not really thinking about Chel – as he’s shown REPEATEDLY. 😀
          Kade has even different observations, which he will likely cover with Vic at some point, as most people have assumed, Kade feels very responsible for Lexx and is going to step in as a father since his mother cannot show herself. I doubt any arrangements will be ‘made’, but hehe.. I could see Kade trying something since he’s in the arranging mood. 😀

        3. Back on the arranged marriage thing: I don’t doubt it works, because it is still practiced all around the world, unfortunately here, we have just a little too much emphasis on finding that soulmate – something I don’t believe really exists. I’ve mentioned that before. 😉 I have a firm belief that there are many partners a person can come across that they feel that ‘kindred’ sense of immediate attraction and you either choose to stay with the one you found FIRST or you go bouncing from one to another. Personally, I’ll stick with mine and avoid the others and have fun writing about people who believe in completely different ways from myself. 😀

        4. My Sister had a boyfriend that both our Mother and her cat, Jack, didn’t like. She’s since realized that they were right and he’s someone that we both to him with an unkind term instead of his actual name.

          And yeah, I agree with both of you on the Veto issue. It’s just cruel if that isn’t an option.

        5. Oh.. and yes, either one has the choice to say NO. Try again. There are no forced arranged marriages.

        6. Um…I have to disagree, there. I’ve lived in Saudi Arabia, and I have friends from India. Forced arranged marriages are indeed alive and well, if less common. It’s very hard to say no when the options are “marry or die/get massively disfigured.” (Note: I’m not singling out Saudi Arabia and India as the only places it happens, those are just the ones that I’ve had some personal dealings with).

          I also have to note that paternal disapproval, while it ought to be strongly thought about, shouldn’t be a deal breaker. Some parents are excellent judges of character…and some just aren’t – or they have some form of emotional baggage that hampers their good judgement.

  7. Ooh dad just plummeted down on the awesome dad scale for that comment

  8. Would it be to far off to think that Kade and Vic might communicate better then Vic’s conversations with the rest so far?

    Maybe Vic can get some more informative information about the worlds and governments out there. If I remember correctly, what Vic has been told about them keeping to their own planet for now isn’t wrong.(They really would be a little fish jumping into a big pond in that case) It’s just that the kids have been rather unhelpful about saying why they mean what they mean.

    1. Riley has made the point that needs to be made on the first contact issue. He was just a massive jerk about it.

      You’re probably right that Kade could get the point across better than his son did. Kade probably also has a database that includes mistakes in early first contact that will help.

      Plus, Vic views Riley, Damian and Claudia as children. (As we’ve already seen.) So talking to an adult is exactly what he wants. 😉

  9. VERY good way to turn Chel’s thoughts, so she didn’t burst out crying like I thought she would.

  10. If my parents had used betrothal… I might have found a wife and had kids by now.. O.o

  11. HULK SMASH text heavy responses! DX

    I don’t know about the rest of you but if you can’t say it in a short and sweet couple of sentences, I’m not gona’ read it.

    1. I second that!

      1. *Does Obiwan Impression* “Patience, young Padawan. There is much information in the walls of text that can only be learned by reading.”

        1. I’m a college student, I do more than enough reading, thank you!

        2. and it’s best to keep your point appropriately succinct

  12. There are 10 kinds of people. Those that understand Binary and those that don’t.

    Now, as for the arranged marriage… I think for some people it can work (I love the Fiddler references, btw), some people it can’t… As for me, it was never even an option, so I can’t say if I wouldn’t be better off now if my folks found me a nice lady friend to settle down with, but I’m definitely having trouble finding someone to be happy with on my own…

  13. Ahhh, Dads. Priorities. Gotta keep priorities.

  14. Okay, props to Vic. I laughed at that. I rather like seeing Chel blush.

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