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Keith slid his plate to one side of the table and picked up the bowl of eggs. He went to the back of the room with Swiftpaw bouncing at his heels, fluttering his wings and wagging his thick plume of a tail so energetically he almost knocked himself off his feet. Stealth sat by the water bowl, glaring at Swiftpaw’s lack of self control. “Catch!!” Keith tossed an egg over Swiftpaw’s head. The little fox somersaulted clumsily, but still managed to catch the egg and swallowed it whole. Swiftpaw bounced off the floor and leapt into the air after a second egg, with Keith giving him a little warning by laughing out, “Catch!!” again. Stealth watched the embarrassing display with growing irritation. Her nose wrinkled and her jowels shifted, showing glimpses of her white teeth. She wanted one of those eggs. She got up and slowly walked up to Keith, her head low, ears back. “I am not catching eggs in my mouth for your enjoyment.” She growled at Keith, who had his full attention on Swiftpaw. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can kinda see! But yes, I need to buy new glasses soon. :D Happy Halloween! Still working on getting caught up on stuff. - Tiff

3 thoughts on “Day-27-1-03

  1. Stealth is a cat, she has her pride.

    It’s interesting to not the difference of intelligence and species spliced into a dice and the effects it has on the personalities of the Dice.

  2. Don’t worry Stealth, neither is Swiftpaw. He’s catching eggs in his mouth for his own enjoyment, that Keith is also enjoying it is simply a bonus.

  3. Chel: Would you accept hand-feeding, accompanied by petting?

    Stealth: *jump* *lap-flump* *purrrrr*

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