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Day 27 2 12

That was bizarre, but it was also late at night when I updated the text on this one.  D'oh.  Fixing it today.. during the DAY!  - Tiff   Riane drifted down to stand in front of Lexx.  She reached out with her left hand to touch Lexx’s face.  “That fact is precisely why you should.  If the strong don’t stand up for the weak, another generation will be lost to the same torment you and I went through.”

One thought on “Day 27 2 12

  1. I think you put the wrong text for this one. This is the text for the last comic. Also, I would like to say that I wasn’t really surprised that the head of the ADC is a rishan. It kinda makes sense in a twisted sort of way. Rishans are common, but looked down upon. She might have been in the right place at the right time to enact a coup and swize power for herself.

    What would have really blown my mind is if the architects were pulling strings, manipulating events to get the rishan into power. Once Lexx wins, revealing that the head of the ADC is a rishan could be a huge PR disaster for them!

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