2 610

Day 27 2 16

The window shifted again, back to the front room. “If she qualifies, she will get an education and opportunities not typically available to rishan children.”  The white haired rishan persisted, keeping his voice friendly, despite the rejection.  “You would receive a monthly stipend of 500 credits and 5% of her earnings if she qualifies.” “No.”  The smile faded from Riane’s father’s face and the window darkened.

2 thoughts on “Day 27 2 16

  1. Huh. That explains a few things. If that was how they got the Rishan children for ADC, then no wonder kids like Lexx were there.

  2. You know, if you don’t know jack about the game, that doesn’t sound like such a bad deal. Or if you have more kids than you can afford to feed. Do you let all of them starve? Or do you sacrifice one so that all of them live?
    Certain terrorist and guerrilla organizations use tactics similar to this on Earth right now. (Shudder)

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