2 585

Day 28 8

24 hours.  I can do it.   Lexx dressed slowly, clearing his mind of all thoughts. At least, all of the thoughts he controlled. And when you do, then what? An unwanted voice crackled through Lexx’s thoughts.  You’re safe, but wht about the thousand who will die to take your place? Shut up, Riane.  Lexx made a face, then mentally pushed at the presence, shoving it aside as he concentrated on pulling a cape over his head and pushing his wings through the opening in the back.  Sticky black webs crept through Lexx’s mind, pushing past his defenses.  It was an annoyance, but nothing more.  

2 thoughts on “Day 28 8

  1. Oh, right. The crazy, errr… I don’t have a polite word for Riane, but now is NOT the time for her to bother him. Now that the tainted memory is out, she needs to be exorcised, pronto. She is a hindrance and a liability at this point.

    On the other hand, if Lexx can corner her in there, he could destroy her, or he could put her to use somehow. If she insists on being there, he might as well get some help out of her. Forcing her angry restless spirit to perform menial tasks for his amusement sounds kinda mean at first, but if it annoys her into leaving/dissipating, it can’t be all bad.

  2. “And if you drive him insane, how will he save anyone, you moron?”

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