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December 10, 2004 (1 Comment)

Chel let go.  The moment she did, Skri opened her claws and flapped vigorously to allow Lexx more room to maneuver.  As she did, her left talons scraped over the top of Chel's left arm and shoulder, ripping her shirt and leaving three deep gashes. "I have you!"  Lexx was more focused on catching Chel than anything else.  She fell into his arms and he immediately rolled over, cupping his wings. "Lexx!  I'm so happy to-"  Chel exclaimed.  In his arms, she felt safe.  In his arms, nothing was going to go wrong. In his arms, she didn't realize that they were still falling. "Don't thank me, Chel!  This is all my fault!"  They were too low.  The wind wasn't strong enough to hold Lexx and allow him to decide exactly where they landed.  They were falling much slower, but still falling … right toward the center of a lake.  "Deuce!!"  Lexx exclaimed, panic momentarily overtaking him as he realized that his wings were not going to do much good in the water.  Their feet skimmed the surface of the lake, sending up little ripples.  The drag was suddenly too much and both fell into the lake with a loud splash.  

2 thoughts on “December 10, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. Haha, loved the ‘in his arms, she didn’t realize that they were still falling’. Honestly 😀

    And well, that could’ve gone way worse…wait, Lexx CAN swim, right?

    1. His hair will be ruined, though! Quickly, mousse!

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