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February 03, 2005

"Victor Reid." "Reid?" Riley repeated the name slowly. He stared hard at the human and checked it against several mental images he had seen in passing while skimming Chel's relay. THIS was Chel's FATHER! It wasn't that difficult to come to that conclusion. He also smelled faintly like her. 'This should be entertaining.' Riley mused to himself, smiling inwardly. What was Chel's father doing speaking with him? Who was he? Who was he working for that was concerned about aliens on the planet. Did Chel know what her father's work was? "My name is Riley Lanier." The littan spoke calmly, keeping his attention more on the photographs than Vic. "I am not here to cause any trouble, but I will defend myself if you attempt anything." "That's not my intention." Shrugged Victor, "I just want to talk." He hoped he sounded sincere enough. He really did want to talk to Riley, among other things. "You've been busy," Riley paused and held up one photo showing a dusty platinum blonde littan and what appeared to be a unicorn with a flaming horn. "Caught my brother Mauki, I see." Riley sensed that Victor had other things in mind, but for now, he wasn't a threat. "What are you doing here?" Victor inquired. He wanted to get the important questions asked quickly. "Just playing a game." "Are you using humans for your game?" "No." Riley tipped his mug. Victor scrutinized the drinking littan. Apparently beer didn't have the same effect on him as it did humans. 'He looks so incredibly human and speaks fluently. But he seems far too calm.' The alien knew more than he was letting on. Victor knew it.

One thought on “February 03, 2005

  1. Yup, this is going to be interesting. I bet, when the name ‘Lexx’ falls, it’ll ring a few bells with Chell’s dad. After all, their daughter met the ‘most interesting guy’…and ‘Lexx’ isn’t exactly a common name.

    I’d be home and question my daughter before the next morning comes, that’s for sure.

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