3 792

February 16, 2005

"Stay away from us!" Riley backed away from Victor. "You don't know just how serious this game is or who you are messing with!" Riley did not have a lot of options. He could run out into the parking lot and be out in the open or the alley next to the building. He opted for the alley. 'This is not good,' thought Riley as he ground his fangs together. He had made a bad decision to come down here and continually frequent the same place. 'Chel's father is an alien hunter of some kind. Great. This really complicates things. Why does Lexx always have such horrible luck?! He has to stay away from-' Riley heard shouting behind him, followed by a series of gunshots. Then the littan grimaced as three bolts of heat seared through flesh and bone, one after the other. He staggered, but didn't fall. He was too busy trying to activate the remote and put it back in his pocket to think about the shooting pain across his right side and left shoulder. There was more shouting, but Riley wasn't paying attention to what was going on behind him.

3 thoughts on “February 16, 2005

  1. Well, what did he expect? That Chel’s father would simply stand by idly, right after an alien has broken free from his handcuffs, and basically threatening him with his children? Honestly Riley, you still have a lot to learn about humans…and their weapons.

    That reminds me: Welcome to the club, Riley! You now have officially been shot at by a human! Are you going to follow your brothers footsteps and become good friends with the person shooting at you? 😀

    1. aw man Riley and Vic as drinking buddies would be awesome

    2. I think he would expect the humans NOT to shoot an unarmed suspect with his back turned. Three shots IN THE BACK. Vic is either one of the bad guys, or his agency is horribly incompetent.

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