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February 22, 2005

Damian made himself comfortable near Lisaan. "Riley is really not a cruel person. What did he say to you that has you so upset?" "Riley said he's going to send me back to where I came from." Lisaan replied, more than happy to talk to Damian. "Is that so bad-" Damian idly rubbed his chin. "Yes!" Lisaan exclaimed. "For me it's a very bad thing!" Damian took a closer look at Lisaan, studying her features. "Hmmm…" He hummed thoughtfully, reaching out to lift her chin, then gently turn her head to the left and right, specifically examining her ears. "You're not a full blood Littan, are you? Half Kourwine?" Color flushed to Lisaan's pale face momentarily and her eyes drifted down, "They cut my ears last time. Nobody will take on a half-breed for anything. They thought if I looked more like a Littan, they could find one who would want me." She paused, then added quietly, "If I go back there again, they'll put me in for … prostitution." Damian was quiet for a moment. He failed to see how this young, very frail looking girl could have done something to deserve the situation she was in. - text missing - Damian: What did you do to get into so much trouble, Lissan?

One thought on “February 22, 2005

  1. Some people have committed an unforgivable sin, which marks them for misery for the rest of their lives…this grave sin is called ‘Getting born’.

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