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March 10, 2005 (2 Comments)

Meanwhile, several hundred miles away, Victor Reid was on his way to the airport. He was being driven there by several other agents under his command who were going to assist him in his new plan. The plan which he was already overseeing without being there. Vic fiddled with what served as a phone. It was annoying piece of plastic with a little microphone on the end and earpiece. Even without the plastic strap going over his head, it annoyed him. "My wife is going to kill me when she finds out that I put our kids in danger," He spoke hurriedly into the foam mouthpiece, "so you better have those two squads watching my home. This IS our best bet for catching an alien." Vic wasn't a hundred percent sure the kids were in danger, but he had considered the possibility that this Riley alien might do something to get his point further across to Vic that he shouldn't be after him. He was confident that there would be no harm done. Riley had deliberately avoided hurting him, but sensed that Riley would also want to make a visit to his home and attempt to use scare tactics on him. The phone crackled faintly with the murmur of an engine. "The ground squad is already there, but the air squad has been delayed," The subordinate on the other end of the phone reported. "They reported picking up an unidentified flying object on radar, but it landed somewhere in the city. They're waiting for it to show up again as we speak." "Keep me updated." Vic responded. It didn't matter that Riley probably wouldn't hurt his children. He honestly didn't want to handle the questions afterward if an alien showed up in his home. He and his wife had agreed before they were even married that it would be best that their children never know what they did for a living. They never considered their children would take their jobs seriously in the first place. In the second, they were strictly forbidden from informing the general public of their existence and that included their own children.
And hurray, in a month of birthdays, (AD turns 4 this month, I am now 29, just one year short of 30. Yet I'm somewhat happy for some weird reason. Life's good. I'm doing what I enjoy. :)

5 thoughts on “March 10, 2005 (2 Comments)

  1. Here come the Men in Black…and an UFO on the Radar, huh? That’s interesting, seeing how Lexx is very small, compared to actual vehicles…do they also get birds on Radar?

    1. It doesn’t have to be a vehicle, tto identify ihey just have to be unable it

    2. I would think that they can tell what a bird is based on the size of the ping, but Lexx is too big for your average birds that you’d see in a city landscape, but he’s certainly not a plane or other easily identifiable flying object… UFO =/= flying saucers it’s any object in the air that cannot be identified, living or not

    3. Actually based on the way Vic dresses it’s more like the men in brown lol.

      1. The men in whatever they happen to be comfortable in that isn’t too conspicuous. Uniforms make people notice you.

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