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April 15, 2005

"Chel, what just happened?" Kalvin inquired as he and Andrea joined Chel in her room. "Why was Lexx in such a hurry?" "What were you two doing outside?" Even Andrea was concerned. "Nothing." Chel did not want to say anything. She didn't want to worry her siblings. "Lexx just needed the dice back on his ship." The phone suddenly rang in the background making Chel jump. "I'll get it!" Andrea squealed. She turned on one heel and darted down the hallway. "I'm expecting a call!" Chel sighed and turned to push her brother out of her room. Kalvin shrugged and walked down the hallway back to his movie. 'I'm going to be nervous all evening.' Chel played with a strand of hair as she followed her brother. 'My stomach's already upset and my head's start to hurt. Please don't let anyone figure out it was me...' "It's DAD!" Andrea called out from the kitchen. Chel felt her entire body go cold. What if HE knew?

2 thoughts on “April 15, 2005

  1. Whatever gave her the idea, that her dad of all people would know? After all, she doesn’t know what he’s working as, does she?

    1. She suspects he is in the CIA

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