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April 07, 2008 (6 Comments)

Chel sat quietly outside the medical room that Lexx had been taken to. Several doctors had been summoned from Riley's ship and arrived moments after they did. Traveling through the doors, they were able to make the trip in seconds, but Lexx was weakened from loss of blood to a point that he was barely conscious. Riley easily carried him into one room where Lexx was quickly stripped and cleaned up by a group of four urgently moving medics and a flurry of additional assistants and general staff coming in with bandages and various medicines. Riley retreated to the waiting area with Chel where they could watch the scene without being in the way. Swiftpaw and Stealth had followed them through the door. They sat on either side of Chel. Energy and Drift made their own way home. Word of what had happened spread quickly throughout the beach house. Most of the dice came and snuck quick glances, then retreated to be out of the way. Fly crept in and climbed up onto Chel's shoulder where he chattered soft words of encouragement to Chel. He ignored the dirty looks sent his way from Stealth. Chel could barely see Lexx amidst all the white coats, but in a manner of minutes he was carted by on floating gurney like table and placed into a second room. He looked pale to Chel's eyes. He did not seem to be in any pain. Riley followed the gurney as far as the door and spoke to the head doctor, Sari. The blue and gold haired littan made a shooing motion to Riley. They exchanged a few quick words and Riley turned to Chel. "You should get some sleep, Chel." He smiled slightly. "The guests are all gone and Lexx will be fine. His body has already begun regenerating the arm." "We're administering several drips to encourage his nanites to work faster than normal." Sari stated cheerfully and without a hint of the urgency she had been displaying moments before. "He'll have his arm back by tomorrow evening, but it's not going to be completely healed for a few days. Get some rest." "It's all so frustrating. I wish I could do something." Chel sighed. "I'll walk you back to your room." Riley offered. "The best you can do is take care of yourself." "Okay." Chel replied after a moment. She was tired. Her hair was plastered to her head and her feet hurt. The shoes she was running in were clearly not meant for so much activity. On top of that, her vision was beginning to blur and her contacts were stinging.

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