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10/31/2008 (16 Comments)

Back on the island, all of the dice were enjoying a free day of doing the things they enjoyed the most. Those that could fly soared high in the sky. The swimmers were frolicking in the waves. Others played in the sand and stalked some of the local wildlife for a morning snack. Six of Lexx’s dice were gathered on the balcony they expected Chel to return on. Drift was dozing on the cool rock floor with Sirius curled up next to him, also napping. Swiftpaw was draped over Drift’s thickly furred neck. Fly perched alertly on Sirius, as far from a moping Stealth as she could get. Dash quickly licked at his shoulder. His fur was covered in fine sand and he was having a difficult time making himself look presentable. “Why was I left out of this?” Stealth groused to herself. She was perplexed. Somehow, she had gone from knowing everything to being the last to find out that Chel had gone home … and taken Sirius with her. Stealth glanced at Sirius. Her muscles twitched. Here he was relaxed and sleeping and she was so tense it was shooting pains along her shoulders and neck that ended in stabbing jolts in the back of her head.

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