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May 20, 2003

Lexx took a step back, crouching with a sword of golden light forming before him. Random weapon would cycle through half a dozen different weapons, some useful, some not. This particular sword was Lexx’s favorite. He had often thought of owning a real one just because of how beautiful it was,… after the game concluded. Now, it was solely a weapon and not an adornment. There were several ways he could use it. He could physically cut Riley or swing a bolt of energy at him. The latter would probably be a better move, although if Riley really wanted to be hurt a clean nick might get the point across how much Lexx was not enjoying this. Unfortunately, Lexx would have to get past the huge two-handed sword that had appeared in Riley’s hands at his call. Lexx had never heard of a ‘Siphon Sword’ attack. There was no way he could know what, if any, special abilities the weapon came with. The only thing he could do was attack. With wings swept back, Lexx jumped into the air. ‘If you seriously want to be hurt, then I’d rather not actually touch you!’ Lexx growled at Riley over the relay, his mind darkening to only words. He didn’t need Riley knowing every move he was going to make. ‘You’re trying to get me hurt, aren’t you?!’ The thought struck Lexx hard. Why else would Riley be doing this? He had never been this aggressive in the past. There had been bruises, a few black eyes and one occurrence of Lexx’s ribs getting broken, followed by Riley getting his nose smashed. Both had been an accident. Riley wasn’t aware of just how strong he was and Lexx hadn’t considered that Riley might not know. It had been pure battle reflex. Lexx was hurting. A sudden panic had hit him and he had swung so hard that Riley did not get up immediately. That had been the end of that battle. Lexx still felt bad about it. ‘Why would I do a thing like that?’ Riley was giggling in his head, trying so hard to restrain his laughter. ‘I’d think it’d be a favor. Chel would take care of you, wouldn’t she?’ ‘Riley!’ Lexx snapped. ‘I don’t need or want to get Chel’s sympathies through my own pain, especially not on purpose!’ “Siphon!” Riley shouted, twirling the oversized sword in his hands. Despite its size, it was light and easy to maneuver.

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