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Day 24 Part 4 Page 8

“Father, I don’t think they have,”  stated Riley.  “But now they’re in a predicament because Trasik appears to have died.”  Riley gleefully filled Kade in on his thoughts.  “And this time, I was able to act quickly enough to preserve the mimic’s body before it fully deteriorated!  We have proof!” Kade stared intensely at his son and slowly the smile faded from Riley’s face as it dawned on him that his father was not pleased with what he had said. “Then we’ll likely get Trasik back at the cost of real evidence of the ADC trying to kill a player.”  Kade bared his fangs in annoyance.

19 thoughts on “Day 24 Part 4 Page 8

  1. … And that is why Kade is the father and Riley is the son. He has been around (and survived) long enough to remember precisely how the ADC can intricately screw with people’s lives and get away with it. Of course, they can’t NOT produce the replicant, otherwise Trasik dies. They can’t even say it was “conveniently destroyed”, because they actually want Trasik back. Talk about a Catch-22.

  2. You know, until this strip, it never even dawned on me that she might not have disappeared voluntarily. I just thought her hate was great enough to allow her to walk away from a wedding and her current life.

    1. Okay, I can see Trasik maybe turning her back on her family and inheritance for one last shot at Lexx, but voluntarily letting herself be replaced by the mimic? Never! Trasik would have insisted on being there to personally grind Lexx’s bloody body into the dirt. She would never give someone else the satisfaction.

  3. ooh the ADC is in real deep water now but something rells me this isn’t going to solve itself any time soon

  4. This is getting very interesting indeed…

  5. Basically it comes down to which is more important crashing the ADC or getting Trasik back.
    Better is to teach Chel to use the relays find Trasik and use the mimic to wreck the ADC.

  6. Depends if they reveal if they have the Mimic and how they play their hand.

    ADC is expecting one level of competence form the people always trying to stop them. Bet Vic comes up with an Idea that works.

  7. This makes me hope that Kane and Trasik are being held in the same place. And that they manage to escape on their own.

    That would really screw up the ADC’s day.

  8. I’m still trying to figure out when they made the change?

    Though I find myself wondering if they’re going to ask for more then just the Mimic?

  9. If they shut the ADC down, then there wont be one to threaten Trasik! And if she does end up being the victim well… is there a down side to this? 😉

    1. The question is, how long has the mimic been Trasik? How much of what we have seen so far has been her, and how much was the fake? Can we say with any certainty what the real Trasik ever was like?

      1. Well, if I had to guess, they sent this mimic out at the same time they sent out the fake Kane, since the mysterious voices of the ADC investors said they had two ready to deploy. It may not have been able to take her place until recently, though. According to Lexx, the other times he battled Trasik, her tactics were typical and predictable for her. This last battle plan was at a level that Trasik just doesn’t play at.

        1. Voyager – if no one else, all the Dice, hers and Riley’s, thought it was Trasik. Maybe they didn’t know her well, but the mimic was close enough to fool them on the short term. So, yeah, we know Trasik could be mistaken for a card carrying villain, since she effectively was.

          As too when…the mimic wouldn’t have agreed to the arranged marriage (for several reasons), so that’s a hard date for Trasik still being Trasik. I assume her parents got her to agree almost the moment she lost her shot to capture Lexx permanently, at the party a couple days ago.

  10. This would be so much easier if Riley hadn’t preserved the mimic, then they could just charge the ADC with trying to kill a player.

    1. *Facepalm* That’s why he preserved the mimic. It is the proof of the ADC trying to kill a player.

      1. Of course, having Trasik come back from the dead will bring up a whole lot more questions.

        So it makes things even more difficult then from just that perspective. Kidnappings, attempted killing of players and dead players coming back too life are things that ADC will have to consider running damage control about.

        Heh, it wouldn’t surprise me if it might take ADC a while to respond because they’ll have to think which way to run with damage control.

      2. But see I don’t see that helping, at least in taking down the ADC.
        Right now Millions if not Billions of people saw Trasik get stabbed on TV.
        Bring out the Mimic and the ADC goes “See we didn’t really let her get stabbed.” It was all a ploy to boost ratings.

  11. Lexx’s viewpoint: “crash the ADC! crash the ADC!”
    Well, if he were there. And conscious.

  12. ARGH. I wanted Trasik to burn. Literally. But… trading her life to take down the ADC… that would be kind of monstrous, wouldn’t it? Plus, it’s a lot harder to hate her when I remember she’s got a family that cares about her and a marriage on the way.

    Then I remember the kids she was training to be dice, and I want her to burn again. Or was that just the mimic? Argh…

    Either way, I suppose it’s a moot point. Her family is annoyed at her, but they still love her. Maybe being rescued from peril will change her attitude a bit.

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