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Keith idly pet Fly, lost in his thoughts.  He didn’t hear Claudia approach down the path, her shoes clicking softly over the flat stepping stones.  She doesn’t need me.  She has everything she could want in Lexx. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”  Claudia announced her presence, sauntering past the trio with her hips swaying from side to side with so much sway that Keith half expected the skin tight dress she was wearing to split. “Yes.”  Keith rolled his eyes and went back to petting Fly.  Drift puffed up behind Keith and Fly, wondering what Claudia was doing there.  She never really had anything to do with the dice, preferring more ‘sentient’ companionship. “From afar.”  Claudia stopped in front of the glass wall and placed a hand on it.  “Everything’s gentle, peaceful and safe from afar.” <hr> *NOTE 2*  Ad Free Surfing is now FULLY available.  In the future, I also have a new site set up for exclusives. *Noted*  If there's a problem with your charm of you didn't get one, please email me.  I know there is a design flaw with Swiftpaw that will likely break him in the mail.  Only in the mail, not in actual use.  :D  Going to have to send him WITHOUT a ring already put into him.  The ring had to be bigger due to his ears being in the way and I wasn't sure he'd survive the mail ... but didn't think about that until after I'd already mailed them. - Tiff

24 thoughts on “07/23/2010

  1. Kiliana Nightwolf

    Hmm, wonder what she’s wanting… And a few dice are starting to gravitate towards him I see.

  2. Still just wanna take Drift home… I don’t care what my landlord thinks, don’t think anything that can talk should be considered a ‘pet’ in my lease. 😀

  3. I don’t care what my landlord thinks, anything that can talk is not a pet. On that note, I really wanna take Drift home. He’s like a living sofa. 😀

    1. @ psyra, so would you not count parrots as pets? they can talk

      1. parrots can’t talk they can only mimic

        1. I beg to differ! My great Aunty has a cockatoo that she has had since she was a little girl, who talks. She is nearly eighty now. If the parrot simply mimiced her, it would not be able to say what it does.

        2. Considering the research showing that African Grey Parrots – and likely other parrots – do have actual vocabularies and know what they’re talking about – parrots do talk.

        3. I wouldn’t argue that gray parrots aren’t sentient. I might argue they’re not sapient, however. Most humans don’t reach sapience until somewhere between their teens and twenties. Sapience is the next step up from sentience.

  4. Uh oh… Isn’t that Claudia?

  5. ugh claudia what happened to that other servant what’s her name?

  6. Isn’t she planning to get Keith to brake up Chel and Lex? …Uh ohs. O.O

  7. I think it’s sweet how the dice are sticking to him

  8. I’ve had cats do the same thing Fly is in panel 1. 🙂 It’s awesome when petting pleases people and the animal that much.

  9. Yes – bet her game plan is to convince him to try to break them up in order to protect Chel from big bad outer space aliens. Unfortunately, he may now be in sad-rebound mode, and may try for “help me Ronda,” instead.

    1. no she could care less about chel sge just wants lex for herself

  10. She’s changed her appearance again…

    “I’m sorry, have we met?”

  11. First, I like the new site layout and colour scheme.

    Second, I too am willing to bet she’s up to no good!

    1. ditto on the new site.

  12. It’s amazing how your art has improved over the years. I really like this new coloring style. 🙂

  13. Grr. I’m reading through a bunch of the archives of Syke’s comics, and just got to Marion’s second appearance… which reminds me that there’s a comic out there that includes her first appearance, along with that of the digni, and them re-finding Colin, but I can’t seem to find it. >.<

    Does Syke still have it up? Anyone have a link to it?

  14. Love the new site – the background really makes the comic stand out. But just a question, where is the vote button for TWC? Maybe I just can’t find it?

  15. Uh oh. She’s going to try to convince Keith that he’s the better (and safer) option for Chel.

  16. “From a distance the world looks blue and green,
    and the snow-capped mountains white.”

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