18 875

Day 27 5 17

Chill darted out onto the grass and away from the car like she had been in captivity for years. She ran with a squeal reminiscent of a young child’s, filled with delight and carefree abandon. It was enough to send a shard of pain through Vic’s temples. He grimaced watching her run in a circle around the camp ground, leaving a trail of something that looked a lot like fine snowflakes drifting in the air.

18 thoughts on “Day 27 5 17

  1. She doesn’t get out much, does she?

  2. This is adorable.

  3. Please let there be a lake in this park. I want to see a Looney Tune moment where she does a big jump into the water then bobs back to the surface inside a giant ice cube.

    1. I … want to draw that.

  4. Sorry to bring up basic thermodynamics, but where does the heat go? Does Chill have a hot spot somewhere (like the radiator on a ‘fridge)? Or is the heat stored internally, and dumped periodically? We can, of course, suspend disbelief to allow for some unknown super efficient method of pumping said heat to create the chill – but it still needs to go somewhere. In any universe.

    Did the super advanced aliens that fixed Lexx have access to “hyperspace” of some sort? Maybe Chill pumps the heat into hyperspace, and has a corresponding hot presence in that other dimension.

    1. Heh. Maybe Chill gets “hot flashes” once a month to dump stored heat . . .

      1. Simple, the heat(energy) is displaced elsewhere. It’s probably a sort of siphon effect that drains the heat energy and dumps it elsewhere. That would explain her chilling aura, and why she lowers the room temperature more than normal.

      2. The heat is converted into usable energy, that Chill is running on, at least that’s my theory..

        1. I had a thought that was a possible form of Mhalpern’s. Chill’s metabolism gets energy from her surroundings instead of from food. Her body uses thermal energy to take O2 and other gases from the air she breathes and turn them into ATP. Thus, she isn’t technically colder than her surroundings. She’s just making her surroundings cold!

          (This explanation has the advantage of being almost possible.)

    2. I’m just going to sit herw and read, then say, yeah, that’s it! That one.

      Logically, she’s not possible, so I figure as a basis, she is not made of ice, just encased in it. I may have to do something that just popped into mind, that she can switch from ice to fire when too active, but ice is easier for her to manage, and ‘safely’ be around people. I need to think about this.

  5. He he, sounds like your little one was the inspiration for this image tiff.

  6. I wish, but she’s not like that. 🙁

  7. I see now that Chill is actually the “human” version of Zeta lol.

  8. Am I the only one that’s feeling really sorry for Chill?

    1. Nope. That’s why I let her out to play.

    2. Celibate for life. No hugs or kisses or cuddles.

  9. “It was enough to send a shard of pain through Vic’s temples.” Ah, the piercing “tin whistle” squeal/scream that only small children seem to be able to produce. Is Chill younger than she looks, or has she just held onto her childhood better than most?

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