11 753

Alien Dice Day 28 05 11

11 thoughts on “Alien Dice Day 28 05 11

  1. hm.. well this angle settles it, that’s a single wing, probably lost the other one from a previous fight.

  2. Ouch, the feels. Opponent knows it is badly overmatched and just wants a merciful end.

  3. Now I’m wondering if this dice is just very honest in which case that is very sad, or if the dice is faking Lexx out so he’ll underestimate it and its master.

  4. I have learned never to underestimate my opponent based on what is in my view. S/he could have strong magic, iron skin, fast reflexes, and the single wing may expand to create an impenetrable shield… anything is possible, really… also Lexx doesn’t HAVE to move does he? Is there a mandatory action or he forfeits?

    1. he just watched the whale thingy lay around on the beach for 2 hours with no reaction, so don’t see why he has to actually fight here either.

      the other dice might be bound to fight if his owner wants him to though…

  5. Or he was instructed to throw his weakest out, …

    1. Actually, i think that Lexx is so far above them in power that the dice realizes that there is 0% chance of victory regardless of his master’s dice roll/choice.

    2. He doesn’t need to. It’s pretty clear he’s not even remotely in Lexx’s league.

  6. Poor critter! It needs a hug.

  7. Genuine or not (though I think genuine?), I don’t think Lexx is likely to just take the critter out. I might be forgetting something, but he seems more likely to try to keep it alive.

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