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Day 25 Part 1 Page 1

Stealth padded quickly down an empty hallway.  She stopped every few feet, lifting her head and swiveling her ears in all directions.  Nothing but silence all around, exactly as she wanted it.  Stealth continued down the middle of the hallway, the lights fading behind her as she left each section and coming on as she entered a new one.  Nobody used these halls and they were perfect for holding private conversations, which was where Stealth was heading. She turned a corner and found Sirius and Serenity waiting for her.   The pair had been engaged in a heavy conversation of whispered comments and immediately stopped to give Stealth their full attention. “It was bad and it still is.”  Stealth shook her mane sadly.  “Lexx is likely to die.” “That is bad,” sighed Sirius, arcing his neck to bring his head closer to Stealth. “Bad is an understatement.” “How is Chel?”  Serenity spoke up in concern.  “Do you want me by her or Lexx?” “Chel is a wreck and yes, you should stay by her.”  Stealth smiled at the eager to please Serenity.  If only more of her fellow dice were as cooperative.  “Lexx is drugged right now.”

10 thoughts on “Day 25 Part 1 Page 1

  1. Hum. Stealth has a plan.

  2. Holy Crap! The cat suddenly takes charge. I mean, I knew she had plans and acted all high and mighty, but every cat does that. It’s nice to see one taking some initiative and give some orders. Cats rule!! 😀

    1. Yah, Cats are bossy like that, and dogs are followers..

      1. This is why I prefer rodents

    2. Suddenly? If the Dice have a leader/council head, its Stealth – when Lexx is planning anything, Stealth is either helping him, or knows about it. She also knows more about what the other Dice are up to. She has issued orders, and had them followed. And they’ve come to her to have problems fixed.

  3. Finally caught up with this webcomic after losing the link to it when my PC exploded a while back and I have to it’s still keeping me hooked from start to finish. I can’t wait to find out what happens. Poor Lexx. And poor Chel. That’s got to have been tramatising mimic or no mimic… It’s nice to see Stealth taking charge though and the others actually listening to her.

  4. Stealth is also looking out for Chel here, as Serenity has a localized calming effect. Serenity would probably make a good therapist if she needed a job.

  5. I noticed that Damian and Stealth share about the same hair and body colors. Is this some deep subliminal message, or just random, or an indication of the artist’s favorite colors?

    1. It’s probably easier to have a palette and just re-use colors rather than mix new ones.

  6. Hunh. For all their whining, it looks like when Lexx is out of commission and the dice need someone to keep them coordinated, they DO turn to Stealth. Probably wise… she’s usually Lexx’s first to pick up, she’s tuned for gathering and using information, and the only one above her in number priority is Zeta, and he’s a big lovable idiot.

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