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Chel sighed, blinking away the relay world and staring into the darkness of her room. She had wanted a moment longer with Lexx and that was being denied again. Who knew how many moments she was going to get to simply talk to him. Things had changed and she knew they weren’t going to return to how they had been. Serenity shifted and made a low rumbling noise from the foot of the bed, making Chel smile as she glanced down at the huge animal. It was comforting to know she wasn’t alone and with Serenity and Sirius nearby, she couldn’t help but feel safe. Chel’s eyelids drooped heavily. “Just a moment.” Chel’s eyes snapped open as she looked up into Lexx’s face. She knew he wasn’t really there. He was just sneaking a last word over the relay, but that didn’t change how strongly she felt his presence. It was different. He was smiling. His eyes were wide and his face seemed softer in expression. His dark hair floated in a dreamlike fashion around his face and then Lexx leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on Chel’s forehead. “I love you.” He stated in a whisper as he faded from view, leaving Chel alone with a slight smile and a warm sensation in the corners of her eyes. ------------------------- No story updates this week due to last week's chaos, which also drained our bank account. It'll be the 14th by the time we finally get the funds for the kickstarter so I can order them and pay other outstanding bills/buy groceries. The total amount gained is a little less than it says. One person's transaction didn't go through and we're way behind as it is, which doesn't do much for the gas light. There will be wallpaper updates daily this week, then next week we'll return to the comic with a full week of updates. Kim is going back to school in three weeks, which will make things a whole lot easier! Also nice to not worry about surgery. - Tiff

14 thoughts on “08/06/2012

  1. How sweet. He feels safe enough in their relationship to tell her that. That’s the kind of moment every relationship needs.

  2. The internet just seems to be determined to melt my heart today, between this, the Curiosity landing and a couple of other things.



    This page was made of win and awesome.

  4. I can just see a 4th panel with riley screaming “I SAID GO TO SLEEP!” Yeah it would ruin the tender moment but for shock value and hilarity it would be worth it.

    1. …. No it wouldn’t

    2. She’s Right absolutely NOT worth it

  5. That can’t be the end is it?!

    1. There are 3 more updates to this chapter.

  6. Three wonderful words.

    1. What’s so wonderful about “Just a moment.” ? 😀

      (Sorry, CNR.)

      But seriously, “I love you” is probably the best way to turn a frown upside down. I really like the way Chel’s eyes are almost completely green in the last panel. They/she just radiate(s) contentment. 🙂

  7. *blink**blink*… *tear*


    So many years of reading this comic all for this one moment.


  9. Wow. Your art is great, but these three panels are AMAZING.

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