Meanwhile, Stealth found herself plummeting through the sky above Europe. She wasn’t sure exactly where it was, just that it was cold and she wished she had wings. Far above her she could see Skri. This had not been Stealth’s idea of a good plan, but she had gone with it knowing that the dice they were after wouldn’t let her hit the ground. Then, she saw a flash of crimson and violet out of the corner of her eye. A large winged dice was whipping toward her. Stealth oofed as the dice struck her, wrapping its coils tightly around her and twisting its head around to face her. “I have you!” “Great,” Stealth growled, “Now let’s go down…” “Down?!” The dice’s head jerked backward in disgust, then her jaws opened to show off an impressive array of teeth. “I’m not going down!! They’ll stick me in a clear cage again!! They’ll make me eat those yucky dead mice!! I’m not going down!!” She hissed and spat in Stealth’s face. “Suit yourself,” Stealth arced her body and sunk her razorsharp claws into the snake’s thick hide. ‘The things I do for fresh kitty litter!’ Stealth kept her eyes upward. The view below was too dizzying when she didn’t have wings of her own.