1 527

January 13, 2004

Lexx continued struggling against Acadiu, his attention now more on the battle and thinking fast on how to get out of his predicament.  This was just like any other battle.  He had to accept it.  There would be a winner and a loser and if he lost,… it was all over.  Acadiu drug his hand sharply over Lexx's shoulder, a lingering blade of light ripping through skin and muscle. "If you kill Lexx, you will be next, Saign!"  Riley lowered himself to a more physical threat, baring his fangs and hissing at the shorter Rishan. "You wouldn't soil your fangs, Riley."  Saign was completely unconcerned.  She knew Riley well enough to know that tasting blood was among the few things that Riley would never do. "I will for my brother!"  Riley was very close to grabbing her and forcing her to call Acadiu off.  He was afraid for Lexx.  Afraid that he might hold back against someone he knew and get seriously injured,… or worse, kill Acadiu.  That would be almost as crushing to Lexx as losing.  Not quite as bad, but it would probably put him in a state of depression that would take a lot to get him out of.  "You are not the only one who has family in this game, Saign!" "Had,…"  Saign stated, nervously running her hand through her hair.  She was beginning to have doubts about what she was doing.  It had seemed the right choice when she was thinking about it,.. but now?  Was it worth it?

One thought on “January 13, 2004

  1. There is more than one way to kill a person…not just sucking their blood dry.

    Ask Chel. I’m sure, she’ll be more than happy to lend a hand.

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