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Lexx blinked out of Keith's relay instantly. Chel followed close behind and found herself in a sea of golden browns. The ground made a soft squishy sound as she took a step toward a rapidly brightening golden light. She looked up and could make out the vague shapes of trees. The light spread, illuminating rich oranges and reds. It looked like a vast field of fall cloaked trees and the warm light made Chet smile. She recalled telling Lexx that fall was her favorite season. She also remembered the confused look on his face until she explained what it was and that she wasn't looking forward to falling on her face. The darker browns around her split into broad tree trunks and brown grass. Chel giggled and darted through the trees looking for Lexx. She felt a tickling sensation and glanced down to see her clothing had been manipulated by Lexx. A pale turquoise hybrid of shirt and scarf drifted airily over her shoulders and on top of a darker sleeveless shirt and even lighter pants. "What are you doing, Lexx?" Chel called out roundinganother tree. "Trying something new," Lexx smiled as he stepped into view. "Do you like it?" "Yes, it makes me feel warm." Chel giggled and rubbed her arms. It was nice to see Lexx trying to do something new. She was also fully aware that he was doing this for her benefit. ------------- Deep cleaning done. Now I'm writing this in regular handwriting on my surface to teach it to translate my handwriting accurately. Didn't get alot done due to being distracted by the pain. But I should be better by tomorrow. I'm writing in cursive and impressed that in actually translates my messy scrawl into letters with good accuracy. Okay, onto important stuff! I'm finally current and will be trying to fix the site layout next week, then archive, then next month, bookwork. I plan on the book publishing run for after we move. If you enjoy the comics and would like to support them, my bills are paid, but my pantry is very empty like it tends to get every 7th through the 14th. :D -Tiff

7 thoughts on “2014-01-08-Day-27-1-15

  1. Lexx I think the reason why you have trouble with mindscaping is because you’re trying too hard, and the reason Kieth is so good is simple human culture promotes imagination, and he not only has an over active one but he has an eye for detail, the relay is just an extension of his imagination

    1. Imagine playing D&D or Pathfinder over the Relay. Once the Otaku get their hands on Relay technology, society is a bit doomed.

      1. only “a bit” ? also, that would be freaking awesome

        1. D&D, Toon, Warhammer 40k, Shadowrun, Paranoia, Cyberpunk, Bunnies and Burrows, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, Champions, BESM… And that other rpg where the world is filled with these strange, horrifying creatures.

          Yessss, I would love this.

  2. Oh, that foliage! What thoughts could it trigger?

    AJ: Why, thoughts of Fall – and winnin’!

    Dash: So you think you can beat me in this year’s Running of the Leaves?

    AJ: Ah sure do!

    Keith: Stop! I didn’t even call you into existence! You’re not supposed to be here! *pant* *pant* Just stop and let me.. *wheeze* ..four legs *wheeze* too fast…

    AJ: What in the name of tarnation is that comin’ after us?

    Dash: Who cares? And quit changing the subject! How are you gonna beat me in the race if you can’t even beat me back to Sweet Apple Acres?

    AJ: Y’all couldn’t even beat me to that red-maned girl critter and her blue friend over there! Heeyar!

    Keith: NOOOOOo- *wheeze* *sob* alright… remember your training: if all else fails, get out, deny everything! (exits link)

    Chel: -!- Were those… ponies? Has someone made a Ponyville here?

    Lexx: That just went rushing past? I’m not sure what a pony is… however, there is now a huge flying banner over there saying “Ponyville Welcomes Keith”… and I thought he might leave us in peace now… *grumble*


    Pinkie: Thank you so much for setting up that super welcome banner!

    Discord: My pleasure! Heheheheheh

  3. Thought I should point out that in the second paragraph of the text it says ‘Chet’ instead of ‘Chel’, which made me giggle quite a bit for some reason… XD

  4. Chel: “All these dry leaves and that bright orange glow makes me feel warm. Do you smell smoke?”

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