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Victor immediately filled his mind with noise, empty white noise before he even turned around. Clear mind. Clear mind. Five eerily familiar forms of varying sizes were materializing a few steps away from them. They were exactly what Victor had expected and dreaded. He thanked God quickly for the training he had somehow managed not to doze through when he was younger. The aliens stared emotionlessly and unblinking at the humans before them. Their small mouths did not move as words came from nowhere and everywhere. You know of us well. Do not be afraid. We’ve come to help Lexx. He has done more for us. The voices were almost identical, but not quite. They varied as much as the aliens before them, in tiny degrees. Each of them had flawless grey skin and large dark eyes. Three were dressed in pale green, seamless uniforms. Two were outfitted in light blue. Each one was slender with little difference in build.

13 thoughts on “04/24/2012

  1. Pretty clever trick there Vic.
    I wonder what’s tucked up in your mind that you don’t want them to see… wait… Maybe I don’t want to know.

  2. Interesting twist! I wonder what the different uniform colors will mean…and the eyes…Is this a group related to Maenae’s species?

  3. With what I’ve heard of their history on Earth, I’m betting their favorite car is the Ford Probe.

  4. Can'tremembermyname

    Ooh! It’s an Architect Sketch!!

    1. BWAhahahahahaha!!!!

  5. “We’re not here to probe any of you today. We’re here to probe Lexx!”

    “And then fix him.”

    “Yes, and fix him too.”

    –Sorry, I couldn’t resist that one.

  6. Ah, the good old stereotypical alien image. It’s kind of refreshing after seeing so many human-esk characters for so long.

    Are they holograms or are they creating an atmosphere around themselves?

    1. I think it’s supposed to be part of the materialization from what ever they use to teleport, kinda like what you see on Star Trek. In that case, the “lines” or “haze” around them should go away once they’ve fully materialized.

  7. This should be quite interesting.

  8. And now I’m caught up 🙁

  9. hmm… Lexx has done /more/ for them? intriguing. I do think that Maenae is partly from their race.. dunno about the other parts though.

  10. Thirded’ it has to be Maenae, or her adult form Mirien (took forever to find her first apprearance back on Jan 27 2005 { http://aliendice.com/blog/2005/01/27/g-11/ }) tha has been Lexx’s Ward.

    WHere is she btw, her and a few others (no that I have gone digging) I am curious on the locations of (like Pip and his dataplate)

  11. DarknessShallFall

    Woo The Greys. Awesome! I figured the most famous aliens known in well, what we know anyways, would appear sometime.

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