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July 13, 2006 (1 Comment)

Epsy circled around the rocks until she found a grouping of them that had a space big enough between them for her to easily climb into and turn around. Zeta followed and mimicked her movements. "This looks good. Rocks, mud,… leaves. Good and warm, but not too warm." Epsy chirred. She hopped to one side and ripped a mouthful of leaves free from a clump of foliage. "Rocks. Mud. Leaves." Epsy dropped the leaves into the bottom of the space. She cocked her head and peered at them. This was going to take a lot of work and she probably could not count on Zeta to help her. Zeta watched. Epsy ripped up more leaves and worked on layering the bottom of the pit with them. Zeta was completely confused by her actions. What was she doing? "Yucky green stuff!" Zeta mouthed his tongue in distaste, then stuck it out at Epsy's leaves. Surely she didn't plan on eating them. "Zeta think he find better stuff to eat!" Zeta grunted and leapt off the rocks. There had to be something around here that was edible - and not green.

2 thoughts on “July 13, 2006 (1 Comment)

  1. Honestly, that guy’s hope- and clueless 😀

  2. Zeta’s a nice guy, but he’s not the shiniest coin in the wishing well…

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