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November 23, 2007 (1 Comment)

"I can't accept this. It's a ship." Lexx quickly made up his mind. He tried to give the tiles back to Damian. His wings flailed uncontrollably free of his shoulders, betraying his discomfort. It was a gift that was just too big to accept. It wasn't something he felt like he really deserved. There was not any reason behind the gift. It was extravagant. "You need a bigger ship, Lexx." Riley spoke up. "A new ship!" Damian added. "It has fully automated security systems, holo dice training rooms, an eco core five times the size of yours -" Damian gleefully began ticking off the ship's amenities.

3 thoughts on “November 23, 2007 (1 Comment)

  1. Sorry to break it to you, but they’re right. Your dice are trampling each other down and if Chel moves in with you…well, even less space to go around, especially since anyone deserves a little privacy.

    1. Besides, you don’t want to have to tolerate your dice making comments when you try to get a kiss out of her.

      1. Just because the dice CAN be somewhere else doesn’t mean they WILL be somewhere else.^^

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