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Day 26 Part 2 Page 1

Back on Earth, deep in an underground bunker, Korbaen and Kane were sitting in a room with an agent they had been introduced to as Agent Jay. The pair had gone through quite a few hands since the first police showed up on the scene, only to be quickly replaced by agents in black suits. Korbaen had paid close attention to everything that was going on and quickly adjusted his plan to fit the situation. There had been a tense moment when one of the agents was attempting to make sure that Korbaen and Kane were not armed and then they were ushered away from their ship and into a waiting car. Kane had resisted for a moment, before Korbaen intervened, pointing out she had crossed the point of no return and she should just go with them instead of presenting herself as hostile or trying to run now. Now, they were both a little tired. Korbaen was patiently answering questions that he had already answered several times before and growing bored. Kane on the other hand was a nervous wreck. Nobody had attempted to harm or even restrain them, but she was a nervous, jumpy wreck. “You two caused a severe incident. Do you realize what you have done?” Agent Jay asked the question they had already answered several times with the exact same words. “There isn’t a manual for contact with your world.” Korbaen smiled pleasantly. “Yes, you’ve stated that before.” The Agent nodded. There was a beeping sound and then the door to the room swung in. “Agent Smith,” Melinda Reid addressed him directly and with a smile. “They have been questioned thoroughly and we’re going to move them to more comfortable accommodations.” The agent leaned back in his chair and motioned for Korbaen and Kane to get up and go with her and the agent who was with her. As exciting as getting to meet aliens sounded, actually meeting these two had been far duller than Agent Jay expected.

15 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 2 Page 1

  1. This page amuses me. I bet the Earth authorities are getting highly annoyed at aliens just showing up like they’re visiting a vacation home.

    1. It could be worse. They could have landed, set up a stage, and held an impromptu rock concert to announce their arrival while broadcasting it on all the frequencies the could find.

      1. Reporter: What do you want to do here on Earth?

        Alien: We Wanna ROCK! (Breaks into Twisted Sister’s “We’re not gonna take it!”) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xmckWVPRaI

        1. and then Twisted Sister dues them for copywright infringement 😛

  2. “Plus your ship has no plates or registration, it is illegally parked, and there is the small matter of going 8000 mph in a school zone.”

    (If you can’t charge ’em with something big, pile on the small stuff. It worked against Al Capone.)

    1. XDDDD that made me laugh and it is so true! I just caught up with this comic yesterday, began reading it like a week ago and am in love with it <3

    2. Not that the US considers large scale tax evasion “small stuff”.

  3. There’s no manuel because up untill now they didn’t need one! XP

  4. A black agent named Smith? …. Nah too easy heh.

    1. 😀

      1. I just noticed, there’s an Agent Jay too! (Dies laughing)

  5. Why are they being interviewed by Barack Obama?

    1. Spikes said it best. He’s a black agent named Smith.

      1. Plus the text reveals he has been introduced as “Agent Jay”. Where is K?

  6. LOL, Agent Jay. Nice one. 😉

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