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Day 26 Part 4 Pg 4

The lounge was immediately filled with the sound of chairs sliding over linoleum.  Everyone was up and out of the room within seconds, heading for their various stations.  Mel smiled, casually finished her coffee, then tossed the empty cup into the recycling bin. Today’s going to be a long day.  Mel was in no hurry.  She already knew she would be in charge of her husband and daughter.  If Lexx was with them, she would be responsible for him as well.

9 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 4 Pg 4

  1. I forsee that bin overflowing by the time shes gets a chance to sleep.

  2. Wow, Chel’s mom. It’s been so long since we seen her that I forgot what she looked like. That and the art style has advanced quite a bit! lol 🙂 Poor lady, it will definitely be a long day.

    1. Naaaah. It’s poke and prod time. 😀

      1. XD I was hoping she would be more level headed and understanding than that, but then again she is a scientist! lol Poke and prod time it is!
        btw- In case anyone wanted a quick page back to see Chel’s mom, she pops up here. 🙂 http://aliendice.com/blog/2006/05/10/05102006/
        I’ve been rereading through all day! I forgot how amazing this story has been. You’ve really done an amazing job of storytelling Tiff. 😀

      2. heh, when you say “poke and prod” it reminds me of the poke and peek commands used in old computer programming
        poke 710,255
        peek (710)

  3. As always, a prominent placement of subtle messages. Save your planet, always recycle! ok.. not near as much as Akira, but it still amuses me. 🙂

  4. She reminds me of Ardra.

  5. At Hrliss: She works for the goverment. They are required by law to recycle even if it cost 10 times more to do it.

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