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Day 26 Part 4 Pg 7

A few hours later, the exams were completed and Lexx was given his clothes back.  “How much longer is this going to take?”  Lexx’s sulking had slowly devolved into aimless boredom. “You will be in quarantine for another 18 hours.”  Mel replied, entering in a quick report to her supervisor that they were done with testing for now . “Will I get to see Chel or my dice?” “When we are done with exams, everyone will be taken to temporary rooms.”

4 thoughts on “Day 26 Part 4 Pg 7

  1. In 18 hours that temporary room may need to be padded.

  2. Considering how closely the ADC is monitoring Lexx, it might be best to keep Lexx away from as many people as possible.

    One word spoken without thought could do quite a bit to Lexx relations with his “Lords and Masters”. Errrrrrrr. Oh I forgot! His ever generous *Face puckering like when sucking on a lemon as I say it* Benefactors and Employers……..

    1. Did I say “overlords?” I meant “Protectors!”

  3. Any bets that the first challengers in the Gauntlet that will show up in, say, 17 hours 55 minutes?

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