0 807

May 20, 2005 (1 Comment)

Savannah stretched out for miles. There was ample grass, insects and creatures eating the grass and insects; and creatures eating those creatures. But there was one animal on the savannah that did not belong there. A small flock of half a dozen ostriches was wandering through the tall grass casually picking out dinner. One of them had plumage that set him distinctly apart from the others. He was a tall male with a dark grey body, but everywhere he should have been white, the plumage was a rich red laced with gold. His neck and legs were ivory white with a red crest, cheeks and a streak of color down the underside of his neck. Instead of the pale brownish pink beak that the other ostriches bore, this one had a black beak. The ostrich yawned and scanned the sky. He could see something flying around up there and it was big. Bigger than the usual birds that often crossed the neverending blue. Dash circled and swooped joyfully amidst strong wing currents. He had not been able to fly for a long time and now he was really getting to stretch his wings. "Dash! Stop fooling around and attack him!" Lexx's voice and image invaded Dash's mind. "I'd like to get back to the Rift (and Chel)" The real reason behind the hurry echoed behind Lexx's actual statement. "Sometime today!"

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