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Snivy shimmering watercolor card I have up for auction! (Tepig and Oshawatt too!) I love how the shimmering watercolor gave it a scaly look! *Since the tally passed $100, will be updating a Keith page on Saturday (14)! - Tiff

5 thoughts on “Snivy

  1. awesome 🙂 looks great

  2. But I want my comi- Ooh, shiny! I wants the shiny!!

  3. Hey Tiff 🙂 So I know you’re having trouble paying your bills, right? But another webcomic I’m reading always seems to have the donation bar filled to exploding (http://emi-art.com/twtyh/index.html). That’s cause when the donation bar is filled, she puts up an extra update (specifically, it’s marketed as “Donate for an Extra update). I think what helps that is that 1.) it’s a relatively small amount ($15 for a new update, but if you implemented it, I think $25 would be a good amount, cause it’ll only take 4 updates to get $100, plus is still a small enough amount that people feel that they can make a difference), and 2.) when the donation reaches above the top, the bar is (automatically) shown as having exploded out the top, making people feel happy about their accomplishments. Anyway, I don’t know if that’s something you want to do (you may not have time for it), but I thought I might tell you about it in case you thought it might help you out a bit.

    1. I’ve done that several times over the last year with no real success … One month would be good, the next would be $20. I stopped doing other fundraisers because of the large number of people who were sad when they missed items, hoping things would get better. I’ve since found out I shouldn’t have done that.
      I may try it again at that rate, in March. I have a convention I’m preparing for. Maybe I’ll give that additional Keith update which I have sitting on the hard drive almost completed the week after next – trying to build a buffer again that got eaten by the holidays.
      Uhh.. and the upcoming comics are larger than they were before….

  4. Do you have payment methods other than paypal? That might help get some donations – google wallet, whatever facebook has, that sorta thing.

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