3 646

January 07, 2004

Acadiu howled in pain.  Lexx had managed a direct hit and he kept his hand steady, maintaining the current for as long as he could.  Knock him out.  That's all he had to do.  Just knock him out and fast.  But the Sairah wasn't cooperating.  Time stood still for Lexx, having to hear Acadiu scream.  He had heard it before,… but never at his hands.  It hurt.  'I might as well be fighting myself,…'  Lexx's fist relaxed, automatically cutting off the attack.  'It hurts.' The tail of a bolt whipped around sharply with enough power to rip across Acadiu's arm.  Lexx had been holding back,… but was unable to control the last surge.  A spray of blood erupted from the gash and Acadiu took it as the real start of the battle. "Saign,… don't capture Lexx!"  Claudia whimpered, hands to her mouth in horror as all eyes were on the sky and the battle.  "You will kill him!  He will kill himself!!" "I doubt that," snorted Saign, "I'm offering Lexx a good life.  One that he deserves after all his suffering."  She turned away from Claudia. "But it's not the life he wants!'  Claudia persisted. Koanei grimaced, listening to the conversation behind him and watching the battle above.  He didn't say anything, deciding now was the time for silence.  He had accepted this place in life,…  it wasn't going to be this way forever.  He looked at the rest of the team out of the corner of his eyes.  They were also watching.  He wondered what was going through their minds and probed, 'Saign's a great employer,… but I almost think I'd rather belong to Claudia.' 'You're a Kourwine, of course you would,'  Came the response from the Rishan.  'She's pretty.' 'I like what she's saying.' 'Yes,.. well, it's silly what she's saying,'  the Littan spoke up sympathetically.  'What do we DO if not play the game?  I personally love it.  I'd play it without a contract.' 'It may be silly,… but it sounds nice, Rhin.'  Koanei smiled.

3 thoughts on “January 07, 2004

  1. Thus it begins…

    You see, the first step in uprooting a regime…in fanning a revolution…is telling the people, that it doesn’t HAVE to be the way they’re used to. That they could have it better.

    If the people are content…truly content…a single revolutionary (because someone is always angry) will never get anywhere…but if the conditions are right…and the seed of doubt falls on fertile ground…a flame will be born. Others will see this flame and get drawn in to it. They will flock around the flame, unknowingly become part of the flame itself. Nourishing it…and in the end, entire countries may be ablaze…all because of a single person, who spoke of a better tomorrow.

  2. I’m actually respecting Claudia…

    1. For once, yeah.

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