2 633

January 09, 2008 (1 Comment)

The party continued on into the night. Guests returned to their ships as the night went on and soon there were only a few remaining. Lexx eagerly counted them as yet another one wandered off down a hallway. The ones who were still there were mostly servants from Damian, Riley and Claudia's ships. Lexx handed Chel a drink and smiled. She smiled back. She appeared a little sleepy. Lexx hoped she wouldn't want to return to her rooms before they could have a little time alone. He smiled. It was beginning to hurt his face to smile so much, but he was enjoying himself. "It doesn't matter how the evening began, it's ending just fine. There is nothing that could ruin tonight." Lexx allowed his thoughts to wander. "How touching." The voice cut like a knife. Lexx felt his blood run cold and his smile immediately faded. He didn't have to turn around to see who it was. Trasik mockingly clapped. It was the only time Lexx could recall seeing her wearing anything even vaguely feminine and it sickened him. It was insincere and a lie. She shouldn't be there. "I told you that you cannot be here, now leave." Damian stood immediately behind Trasik, one hand on her shoulder as he tried to get her to turn and leave. He had an uncharacteristic scowl plastered across his normally cheerful face. "I was in the area and thought I'd drop in. I'm not even armed." Trasik stated in a sickenly sweet voice. "This is my party and you were not invited." Damian growled. "Go ahead and search me." Trasik cheerily thrust her hands out. "I only brought Tacione and my brothers, whom I notice are attending, were invited." She snuck in a muttered 'traitors'. "I know I saw Mauki here." The brilliantly colored dice sitting at Trasik's side puffed out his cheeks and clicked his beak together. "You've openly vowed to capture Lexx." Damian muttered. "Supposedly, so did Mauki, little liar," Trasik grinned venomously. "I'm going to have a word with him after this."

2 thoughts on “January 09, 2008 (1 Comment)

  1. “There is nothing that could ruin tonight”
    why would you think that Lexx. You should know not to tempt fate!

  2. I originally read Trasiks last line as “I’m going to have to wound him after this” and it almost seemed in character for her to say that so it took me a moment to realize I had read wrong.

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