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January 16, 2006 (1 Comment)

The sound continued. Swiftpaw took several quick steps into the darkness and suddenly became aware of moment to one side of him. He could only see shadows shifting in the darkness. Large, bulky shadows. Then he heard a slow intake of air as though some creature were opening its jaws - and he saw them. Large curving white teeth, only a few feet away. Swiftpaw yelped and immediately took flight. He flapped his wings and skimmed the ground for a few feet before scrambling straight up a large tree trunk.

4 thoughts on “January 16, 2006 (1 Comment)

  1. hippos are gentle and kinda cute from far away, but I wouldn’t want to meet one in a dark alley, or a dark savana either.

  2. Gentle? xD Idk, yeah, they are kinda roley-poley in pictures and such, but DAMN are they bad-natured O_o I feel pretty bad for Swift right about now v_v

  3. Hippos are scary. Sure, they look cute, but they are supper deadly and territorial and all that fun stuff.

  4. Hippos are so dangerous that A) more people in Africa die from hippo attack than lion attack, and B) Steve Irwin, while shooting his show, declared going MILES away from a pod of hippos to cross the river they were in… If Steve Irwin avoided them then you KNOW they’re bad news. (R.I.P. Steve)

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