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01/18/2010 (3 Comments)

Chel stared out one of the half dozen horizontal port slits that decorated the wall of the main living area. Stars, stars and more stars. There was nothing more to see. Stars floating in an endless sea of darkness. And when there was something more interesting, they had passed it within moments. Several hours had passed since Chel arrived. The twins were very talkative, but Karmine had retreated to a corner of the room to write something on a dataplate. Pitrea clung to Chel’s every move and was at the moment snuggled up against her. Chel wasn’t sure what time it was, but it had to be late. She was feeling very sleepy. Chel yawned and turned slightly to her left. Jayne was on the left. His left eye was blue, the right one was green. He was eagerly staring out the port next to her. Then Chel glanced to the right. That was Tayne. His left eye was green and the right one was blue. He was also watching the port slit as eagerly as if there was a sporting event going on outside. Chel sighed and rolled her eyes. They had taken it seriously when she told them she was watching for Lexx. “Jayne, tayne, you’re being annoying.” Karmine suddenly spoke up.

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