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That day had been a dream. Everyone was so happy, except for one little girl. Trasik had run into the maze and hidden that day, a fact which did not go unnoticed by her mother and father. They had not let the child interrupt the day, but Lessa had also noticed that she was not there, but she didn’t worry about it. Trasik wasn’t her daughter and she was starting a new life with Rumen in their own home in the nearby Littan community which lived and worked on the Lanier Estate. Trasik never went there.

11 thoughts on “01/19/2011

  1. Okay, so why is Trasik still upset?
    I mean it would be understandable if Lessa had married Kade.

  2. Full-on speculation:

    It could be as simple as Trasik believing that they’re pretending to status they don’t have a right to. She could have accepted their presence to start the way you’d accept taking in a lost puppy, but over time come to resent them as they are made a permanent part of the family.

    She could also resent for the time and attention they get that should be hers.

  3. I think she thinks Lessa is cheating…

  4. Something rather awful occured to me, looking at the guests at the wedding.
    Does this mean that Riley knows that Lexx’s mother is alive? If so, I shudder to think of the consequences when Lexx finds out that this has been hidden from him.

  5. Is it just me, or does she look jealous? X3

    I keep thinking the stuff falling from the sky is snow, which means there’s an even bigger contrast in the last panel.

    … Is one of the guests just munching on something?

  6. Yeah, Trasik’s motives aren’t making sense again.

    @hswoolve: Yeah Riley knows, but it was implied that if Trasik knew, there would be one dead mother, and at least a couple of dead cousins/half-brothers and innocent civvies. As Trasik is OCD for channel Lexx, telling Lexx means telling Trasik, thus the secret.

    Though how Trasik doesn’t know is a bit of a puzzle.

    Also, seriously, why hasn’t Riley called Papa Kade and told him what his daughter is doing to his adopted son?

  7. Sometimes… the point is not to come out and SAY exactly what is going on, but let others figure it out on their own. So I’m not stating it. 😉 It makes perfect sense when you consider things that have been noted about Littan females – they’re excessively jealous when they’re young and cling to such things for a loooooong time.

    1. Okay, so its racial…that is a really interesting quirk for any RP’er 🙂 Thanks Tiff! (also, thanks for the response – we know you’re busy)

      On the other question, will we find out why Kade is being kept out of the loop as far as Trasik’s behaviour? Calling a guantlet on your brother with your other brothers seems a little…yeah…

      Not asking you to tell us, just whether or not you will show us at some point.

      1. Actually, I think he has been told. If I remember correctly, Riley called dear daddy (Or Kade called him, one or the other) and Kade was not happy that Riley had been meddling again. I think he basically wants the family to stay out of this business and has accepted that he can’t really control Trasik.
        Or something.

        1. Turnip the Scintillating

          I think Daddy’s afraid of his precious daughter, that’s what. ._.

  8. Awwww such adorable rage little Trasik has

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