4 973

January 23, 2004 (1 Comment)

Acadiu looked up at Lexx, his green eyes wide and filled with fear.  Blood was streaming down his face from a deep gash in his head.  "It's better,… than being punished,… lose my job,…"  Acadiu swallowed, "And have to be free…." Lexx could not believe what he was hearing.  Lose his job and be free?!  That's what Lexx WANTED.  Why did Acadiu see it as a bad thing?  He just could not understand. "Lexx!!"  Saign had decided to act and leapt forward, screaming as loud as she could, "You win!!  STOP!!! Don't kill Acadiu!"

4 thoughts on “January 23, 2004 (1 Comment)

  1. Well, about time! But someone broke Acadiu…broke him good…and I don’t think it was Saign…

    1. Dude, I bet you’re right… o_o Good insight, bro

    2. Yeah, I felt some serious brainwashing vibes, but Saign doesn’t seem the type, especially since the other’s seemed to be thinking clearly.

  2. Too little, too late. Saign, you are a bitch, and I hope Riley grabs you in some dark alleyway and drains you dry. You were plenty willing to let either of them die for your petty vengeance, which would have been worthless.

    You are now my second most hated character, after Cinka, and only just barely over Claudia.

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