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The darkness receded as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Stealth standing precariously on top of a cabinet clawing at the walls in a futile effort to follow Lexx. She was too late, but she dug her claws in a couple more times, shredding the sanitary surface of the wall in frustration. She dropped down onto the counter and roared, “Lexx!!” hoping he would hear her and return. She hoped. ----------------- Oh, look, there's the TWC vote button with a functioning rank #! It started at 3640.

5 thoughts on “02/15/2012

  1. ahhhh poor kitty missing its master already

    1. She’s Chel’s cat. Her first loyalty lies with Chel. Lexx is sort of borrowing her. She only listens to him and cares about him because Chel likes him.

      1. Mittens is Chel’s cat, but Stealth is Lexx’ second dice and his prime information gatherer.

        Stealth is both of them at once, so her loyalties lie with both Lexx and Chel. It’s just that right now, she’s watching one of her people seemingly go crazy and start wandering around to do God knows what.

        Stealth is scared that Lexx will hurt someone in his delirium, as she sees it.

        It’s a striking scene, to see the normally cool and collected Stealth freaking out and crying out for Lexx like this.

  2. He pulled off a Fade, this isn’t ominous at all.

    Unlike others, I’m not certain we have an imp loose. Pain, bloodloss and despair are often more than sufficient to cause people to make very dumb decisions on their own

  3. On a lighter note we finally get to see just how many tails Stealth/Mittens has. Does she have five because that’s what side she’s on or is it pure coincidence?

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