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Serenity emerged from the shadows, the fur along her neck and back sticking straight up. Stealth had already reached out over the relay to all the dice to be on the look out for Lexx and Serenity had already told her he was here. Now, she needed to keep him there and away from Chel. Lexx stopped walking as Serenity walked between him and the foot of Chelโ€™s bed. He wasnโ€™t too concerned. She had a lot of teeth, but from memory, not a lot of bite. Still, she was an obstacle.

27 thoughts on “02/22/2012

  1. Oh s**t! Didn’t think Serenity would be this vicious.

    1. Remember her with the young cubs? I’d say anyone that sweet on young would have a vicious streak a mile wide.

      1. When it comes to protecting said young ones? Any loving mother/caretaker will fight to protect the little ones.

  2. it seems se nows that it isn`t nomar lex standing for her

  3. Ah! Serenity! And what would she NOT be willing to do to protect her friends happiness?
    I love it!

  4. Take my love,
    Take my land,
    Take me where I can not stand-
    Sorry, everytime I see Serenity I want to sing the Firefly theme.
    I guess there probably isn’t a better die to deal with Lexx’s mental issues right now either.

    1. It’s a good song. And a bit fitting for what Lexx is looking for.

      Thankfully, Serenity is likely the LAST dice you want to cross, so Chel is in good hands now.

    2. Epic win for just knowing that song. I agree her name always reminds me of Firefly. ๐Ÿ˜€
      About the comic… wow Serenity’s scary face is REALLY scary! O.o Evil Lexx better be careful, though something tells me he’ll just bat her off to the side…

  5. Serenity, the Dragon in a African Wild Dog’s Skin (for now). Glad she can tell the Bad code from the Real Lexx.

    Now we need either the Remnant or the Real Lexx to knock the smeg out of the bad code.

  6. Totally forgot that it was Serenity who was sent to keep an eye on Chel… for some reason I was expecting Sirius, of course that could come to pass as well ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. Hmmmm…good to know Serenity has Stealth’s back on this.

    Though is the bad code willing to stand for an obstruction to his actual goal?

  8. I wonder if we’ll see Serenity roll a side because of this

  9. Everyone seems to be forgetting that Serenity’s main purpose is to keep peace. She(?) doesn’t fight. She didn’t participate in the training, so yeah, Chel could (and probably is) still in trouble. Serenity is probably just there to buy time. ๐Ÿ™

  10. Given the look on zombie Lexx’s face, I think he’s going to knock her aside as easily as Captain First did to Stealth.

    1. Cyanobacterium/Me/Josh C: I’m not counting Serenity out yet. She might not have fought much yet, but the other Dice respect her for a reason.

      I don’t think that respect is just from the fact that she generates an aura of peacefulness around her. Odds are, Serenity knows how to use those teeth VERY effectively.

      1. She could possibly use those claws, but from the sound of it she was probably no big shaker when it came to fights. It sounded that she got her respect for her soft spoke nature.

        Though there is something to be said about Lexx’s body not being in good condition right now. If it was, Serenity probably wouldn’t have the skills or power to stop the Imp. This might put them on even footing or give Serenity the edge. Though I wouldn’t count the evil Imp out just yet before he plays one more dirty trick.

        1. I’m still not counting Serenity out yet. Dice are designed first and foremost for fighting, so it makes no sense that Serenity doesn’t know how to fight.

          Plus, oftentimes, the most peaceful and pacifistic people are the ones who know how to kick ass the best of all.

  11. Serenity reminds me of Gandalf in the first LOTR movie.


  12. I was always more under the impression Serenity was more of a mental affecting die, so maybe she can perform certain things, like get in Lexx’s head like a relay.
    Still, even if Lexx can swat her aside I doubt she’ll just give up.

  13. Keep in mind, she doesn’t have to STOP Lexx – she just has to stall him long enough for a more combative dice, or a team of doctors with tranquilizers to arrive. They can then take over, while she gets Chel to safety.

    1. Tranquilizers are why the imp is in control.

      1. True, I’d forgotten that. But they obviously need to do something more drastic, since he’s still capable of movement, and aware enough to make use of his abilities as a dice.
        I’m worried that the Imp will be able to get loose if simply restrained…could Lexx be forced to revert to dice form, like he does to the dice he doesn’t primarily use when on ship?

        1. If dice bonded sentients like Lexx could revert, then the Rishan girl Lexx killed would most likely have done so.

          In any case, I’m curious about how Serenity knew Lexx wasn’t himself right off the bat. Stealth only guessed that something was wrong at the last moment, and she knows his mind better than anyone.

        2. When the supposedly dying guy shows up out of nowhere, looking like a zomibe…

  14. “a hyena is fine too”? oh dear oh dear.

  15. You know?

    Now that I think about it, I don’t think this darker image of Lexx has a name. Sure it says its Lexx, but it seems to distorted to be even considered a cheap copy.

    As is, we refer to it as Imp. But does it have an actual name? I think the only reason we call it Imp is because of how the other person in Lexx’s head called it names when they first confronted eachother.

  16. Heh. Serenity will not hesitate to rip out the throat of anyone who threaten the leetle ones.

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