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“Lexx?” Chel’s eyes focused on the figure at the foot of her bed and she sat up. Something was wrong. She could feel it as well as Serenity could. The shadowy figure looked like Lexx, but everything was wrong about him. His eyes were narrowed and glossy. He was swaying slightly and his entire stance was simply off. “Go back to med bay, Lexx. Now.” Serenity held her ground, barking at Lexx in warning. “I came to talk to you, Chel.” Lexx spoke, but it wasn’t Lexx’s voice. It sent shivers through Chel’s body. “You need to send that animal out of the room so we can be alone.” Chel stared at Lexx in shock. Dealing with this situation was not going to be easy. It was Lexx in body and that meant that he was insanely strong and fast. Serenity was there, but she would only be able to hold Lexx back momentarily. Chel weighed her options, trying not to look like she was considering a dash for the door. =------------------------------------------------------ I'm at Furry Fiesta today, well... I will be in a few hours. :D Text will be updated next week - spent the whole week dealing with sick hubby and what con prep I could get done. (I better get some salted calimari out of this.) Serenity, btw, is probably better than Stealth at KNOWING when something is off. Stealth knew something was off, but the bad code actually BEING in control was no where in her thoughts. Serenity on the other hand, has already figured it out, because she knows this is not Lexx and unlike Stealth, she'll do more to keep him back. And for those who brought it up, Serenity would not fight to save herself, but she's protecting Chel and that makes things entirely different. - TIff

14 thoughts on “02/24/2012

  1. Red flag, Chel! RED FLAG!

  2. Well, B.C. certainly couldn’t have made it more apparent that something isn’t right if he’d tried! That’s good. Now it’s up to Chel to follow her instincts.
    Serenity might actually be in a bit of trouble, though…she’s got to keep her attention completely on B.C.
    If she turns to Chel, even for a second, she’s toast…and I don’t think any of the other dice would forgive Lexx if B.C. did something permanent to Serenity.

  3. oh boy real evel smile there jikes

  4. “That animal”? Big red NEON flag! With sparkles!

    1. And polka dots~

      1. And laser beams shooting off of it!

  5. “Red Flag”? No…RED ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!!!

    Chell’s reation in panel 2 shows she can tell something is wrong. And right now, I would not put it past the Bad Code to assault Serenity to get Chell.

    1. Chel’s Thoughts: “Hell no! Who are you and what have you done with my Lexx?!”

  6. I think Chel needs to get in the com-link fast! She could whip out her sword and K.O. Bad Code in an epic fight and wake up sleeping prince Lexx with a sweet kiss :3

  7. Is Chel getting bad news over the Relay? Can she call for help?

  8. Lexx: I just came here to tell you that you have stolen my heart. And now I would like to steal your heart…. and put it in a jar.

    By the way, wouldn’t the sensors in the med-bay have noticed he was gone by now and sent out alarms to the staff?

  9. A thing I find fascinating is that if I understand it, B.C. or Imp is suppose to be the memory imprint of Lexx’s Dad if I understand the working of how these memory impressions work.

    One memory impression from his dad and one for his mother. But it seems like that other player has taken over Lexx’s mother slot and I can’t really figure out what the Imp is.

    So did the coding in Lexx’s dice try to intentionaly change the soul impression of his father or is it a byproduct effect of the linking with a prototype Dice?

  10. LOL The sweat is shooting off Chel’s head. 😀 Too bad he’s evil. Confidence works well on his face. And he’s still rocking the Nightcrawler/Beast hair, woot!

  11. What happened to our resedent mothers? They both have dissappeared!

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