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February 28, 2006 (1 Comment)

The distraction was enough to open up just enough room for Lexx to maneuver. He had been dodging the curving tusks of the elephant that was attempting to spear him for the last few steps, coming dangerously close to another elephant. In one well timed move, the attacking elephant lowered his head, giving Lexx an opening. Lexx stepped up quickly onto the tusk and jumped, kicking back hard as the trunk swung up and attempted to wrap around his leg. Lexx slid and grasped wildly for a handhold as the elephant shook his head. Lexx stretched his wings and flapped hard. The elephant snorted and swung his head harder, enraged at Lexx's wings. Its trunk smacked into Lexx and sent him tumbling into the air, just where he wanted to be. Lexx's wings flapped erratically for a moment before he came down on the back of a smaller elephant. Lexx bounced off of it before it knew what was happening and was airborne. Nearby, a humming rook was sitting on a defeated 'Fluffy', with Swiftpaw shivering next to them. Mauki and Riley streaked across the dark savannah in front of them, an elephant closely following. Riley was frantically searching his pocket for his remote, but running and trying to find such a thing was very tricky. "They look like they're having so much fun - poo." Rook whistled, tilting her head to one side. "…" Swiftpaw made a sniffing sound and shifted nervously from one foot to the other.

2 thoughts on “February 28, 2006 (1 Comment)

  1. Whatever got them so damn pissed…? And Rook…yeah, certainly an easygoing fella that one 😀

  2. this page is hilarious! XD

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