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Serenity’s teeth closed on Lexx’s hand, immediately filling her mouth with blood. Serenity fought the urge to gag and hung on, until Lexx’s other hand grabbed her by the loose skin on the back of her neck and forcefully threw her across the room. Chel yelped and quickly scrambled out of the bed, realizing her moment to escape was passing quickly. --------------------------------------------------- Goal is at - $219 for February. :) So far, five extra updates, plus a couple of freebies next week because next week there are two full page updates. :( That's bad for me.. because I have to color three full sized comic book pages and still have to do the third today. In the future, any full sized updates count as two updates. Text will be caught up next week and the offer of extra updates will continue. Whatever's left over from Feb will be rolled into March. I'll have to put the story on hiatus in April to pay bills at the current rate. - Tiff

13 thoughts on “03/02/2012

  1. Nutritious and delicious! Tastes just like chicken!

    1. With an extra spice of nanos!

  2. Well…smeg…hope the corrupted nanites don’t screw up Serenity now.

    1. Those nanites are specifically designed to attack Lexx, so Serenity is safe!

      Bad Code and Lexx, however, are not. Serenity is likely going to bounce right back from this and be angry at him too.

      1. You forget how strong Lexx is, even when badly effected by the nanos, Serenity is a low level dice, so she probably won’t be feeling to great after that.

  3. I do not like Bad Code and that is going to be one upset puppy!

  4. @Sabreur, actually it tastes just like pork. That is the meat most biochemically similar to our own. Cannibals referred to human meat as “long pork”.

    1. The fact that you know that is kind of creepy. @_o

  5. Serenity used bite! It’s not very effective. Bad Code used Arm Thrust! It’s super effective!

    All those who say this coming can pat themselves on the back. Serenity is NOT a fighter!

  6. I agree with Chel’s face on this, as I’d be a bunch worried too…
    … but as Serenity is one of the Random set of dice, and, at least according to the wiki, there’s no listing for her three abilities that decide what she might could do outside of just being an African Wild Dog-based dice.

  7. Yup. Saw that one coming. I hope Serenity can pull this one off, or at least stall B.C. long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Please tell me Chel is active on the Relay, calling Riley – the only person established as standing a fighting chance at stopping Lexx in a fight.

  8. Reeeaaaaly should be hitting that Panic button right about now… comeon, where’s the ships security system when you need it?

  9. serenities expression in panel 1. ” aww man thats tasty”

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