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Riley glared at Stealth. He didn’t have time for the cat’s attitude, not with Lexx in an unpredictable state. Riley gestured to the medics, who quickly moved in to check his vitals and stepped aside to listen to what Stealth had to say. Serenity and Sirius moved out of the way so Serenity could explain exactly what had happened to a very concerned Sirius. Chel stared at the entire scene in silence, unable to find words and knowing how it looked. At any moment, she might have to answer her father’s concerns. She watched as Lexx was lifted up carefully in a sling and carried to a hovering transport bed. Victor watched her.

4 thoughts on “03/20/2012

  1. Crap, nothing makes a day worse than having to answer to your parents.

  2. Oh man, I don’t envy Chel or Stealth right now.

    Finally back to the computer, have to share it with I think 9 other people, so I don’t get much of a chance to get on here.
    Just in case anyone would like to hear, actually I just want to tell someone what has happened.
    Me and my family moved to Nebraska from Tennessee and what a trip!!
    The packing was hectic.
    Just loading the U-Haul seemed to take forever.
    When we finally left we were racing a snow storm, we lost, but not before we got most of the way to our destination, whew!
    When we lost the race with the weather it made the roads really icy and the vehicle I was in,I wasn’t driving, slid off the road just as I was waking up… nobody was hurt and neither was the pickup truck we were in. The wait for help was almost unbearably long, apparently the directions got mixed up and it took longer than it was really suppose to, but we finally got pulled back onto the road.
    All of us can laugh about it now but when it happened it was far from funny.
    Anyway, we made it and with no injuries, YAY!
    Since then, we’ve settled in pretty well, I get to see more of my family now so I’m pretty happy now and I wish everyone even more happiness!!!
    Happyyyyyyyy!!!! YAY!!!! XD
    Quote from ‘The Simpsons Movie’: “Thanks for listening!” 😛

    I’ll check in the next chance I get! 😀

    1. Glad you’re OK.

  3. Okay…positives.
    – Riley and Damian will now know why Lexx has always gradually lost control as he leveled, and possibly be able to find treatment to correct the Bad Code in his dice, or at least help bring LEXX back to the forefront by locating the real him over the relay.
    – Stealth will be put in her place regarding secrets it’s okay to keep vrs secrets that should have been revealed as soon as she learned them.
    – Vic now has a clear view on the fact that his daughter has her head on straight, and will follow her instincts when something’s not right. She’s not dazzled by the adventure, or love. She’ll get herself out of danger, if she has to.
    – Chel is now aware of a possible threat, and can be on alert for resurgence of the Bad Code. The greatest danger to anyone, is what they don’t know about a person they trust.

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