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March 22, 2007 (4 Comments)

"Then they insisted that I take off everything for a proper fitting and took my clothes away!" Chel could feel the heat still in her cheeks. She had done what they requested, since they hadn't really given her an option and it was all so sudden. They had ignored her protests. And she had protested. "Undress."  The Sairah in white grinned at her as though she did this daily to unsuspecting human girls.  "We have a hot mineral bath and skin treatment ready for you.  Then you'll get a relaxation session, a light lunch and manicure."  Chel pondered the point of protesting further.  There really wasn't any.  Afterall, they were treating her like a princess. It felt kind of nice.

7 thoughts on “March 22, 2007 (4 Comments)

  1. i want all that!!!

  2. You don’t really want to be treated as a traditional princess. They were bargaining tokens. The pampering and gussying up? That was so they’d be a more attractive prize when they were traded for one political reason or another.

    1. Hehe.. well.. it might feel nice for a day, but it’d get old fast. 😀 (Trying to keep my daughter from being obsessed with princesses is difficult when that’s all Disney does. 9.9 )

      1. I agree a day of the pampering would be nice but not all the time, I hate people waiting on me hand and foot even when I’m sick or like I had to let friends and family look after me after my surgeries I like my independence too much lol

      2. There is a solution to your princess problem. That solution is ponies.

    2. Plus all the Disney princesses (Well, most of them. Not Mulan, Belle, or Jasmine) are totally sexist! They all only get saved or are loved because they are beautiful. They don’t do anything for themselves and are helpless until a man comes around and falls in live with them because they are so beautiful.

      1. I think that, while traditionally you’re right about many of the Disney princesses, there are a few more that broke the mold- heck, one didn’t even GET a suitor (though her family tried!) Nala from Lion King was tougher than Simba and definitely was stubborn and strong-willed. Pocahontas was, yes, initially lives for her beauty, but she was strong enough to stand up for her feelings. The red-head from Brave… Need I say more on that one? Then Venelope Von Sweets from Wreck-It Ralph (although technically not a princess lol…) was the antipathy of the princess mold. And while Rapunzel was naive she was tough as nails with that frying pan. Just saying… Plenty of recent princesses aren’t the helpless damsel in distress anymore.

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