3 647

03/30/2009 (16 Comments)

Winning is a step into the unknown. If I leave this planet, it will be easy for them to kill me. They’re afraid of what I can do. What I will say. Options. There were more paths laid out before him and each one lead in a different direction with other options. If I stay, Chel’s people will probably torture me to death. I won’t know until it’s over. The unknown in death or the unknown at the hands of primitive people. It was a tough decision, but there were growing lights on some of the paths. Positive outcomes nibbled around the negatives that Lexx was focusing on.

3 thoughts on “03/30/2009 (16 Comments)

  1. Well – there are lots of uninhabited islands on Earth. Could he not find a different one?

  2. I’d like to claim, that if he cooperated with the humans, they would probably not torture him. I mean, why would they go to such efforts, if he helped them willingly?

    1. While I agree with the sentiment, I think I have suitably established that the people Vic works for are quite incompetent. They might kill Lexx by accident while testing to see just how thorough the nanites can heal him.

      And yes, he can tell them so much more than they can glean from a corpse, but if they can’t capture him alive, they WILL kill him. Melissa might be a little nice, but information is more valuable than speculation, and the bosses cannot afford to just let a goldmine walk away because the gold wants to be left alone.

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