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“They are offering condolences and sympathy for Lexx, but will not come aboard to do so out of respect for you.” Maelinn explained placing the tray down on the bar. “… me …” Chel turned to Maelinn curiously. “You are recognized as Lexx’s favorite companion and the one to be with him right now.” Victor listened to the conversation nearby, running through the events of the evening and the few days over and over again. They did not fit together.

24 thoughts on “04/06/2012

  1. Well, now don’t I feel like a jerk. I owe these unknown, fictional characters an apology

  2. If I understand the situation correctly
    1) Lexx has his own private space ship with cool technology
    2) He can go anywhere he wants, but spends most of his time on Earth
    2) He has a comely female ‘companion’ who he has to rescue on occasion
    3) He constantly deals with dangerous situations and powerful enemies
    5) He is gravely injured.

    Which can only mean…. He is about to regenerate!
    I wonder ‘who’ is going to be the new Lexx?

    1. Thank you for that. XD I laughed out loud

    2. Well, technically rolling a side is kind of like regenerating… 😀

      1. Sadly Lexx is Rishan, a Genetically altered Varinat of Humanity. He’s not a Timelord and has no Timelord Genes.

        Also I think He CANT Roll up a level with his Healing Nanites disabled.

        Wonder what Vic will say when he learns about the Contract Chel signed back when we met Maenae.

        1. Ninjamaster_255

          I wonder to also what strip was that

    3. Yeah, I loled too. Thanks for the early-morning chuckle. :}

    4. … You’re amazing. I love the reference

    5. Lexx is NOT Dr, Who. 😀

      1. No, of course he’s not. I like to believe he’s Jack Harkness.

        Minus the desire to sleep with anything that moves.

      2. Of course not. He’s The Doctor. Him being a TV show would be silly!

    6. It’s a fakeout! Lexx will be back as good as new shortly!

      Just like the 10th doctor that one time. I hope.

  3. Gee, I wonder if Victor has figured out that his daughter is grown up.

    1. Grumpy father wants to be grumpy.
      Grumpy father wants to say no.
      Grumpy father wants to resist understanding.
      Grumpy father eventually will give in.

      1. If they can get Lexx’ nanites and programming fixed, that will help.

        Plus, Vic, Lexx and Chel all need to sit down and hash out the whole situation with each other.

    2. Knowing your daughter is all grown up and knowing she’s making good choices that will let her live a happy life with no regrets aren’t the same thing. Vic doesn’t have our perspective, and what he’s seen of Lexx so far hasn’t been great. Plus, he has to be wondering exactly what ‘companion’ means in this context.

  4. That’s rather sweet. =)

  5. I feel more sorry for Victor that anyone else right now, I really wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

  6. Hmmmm…That must make Vic feel like a bit of a heel right now.

    Sure he’s only thinking of his daughters safety. But for all he knows, Lexx is going to die while he’s slowly losing his mind and because of his concerns, Lexx might die alone.

    Not a very comfortable position to be in.

    1. I think Vic is thinking less “Poor Lexx is alone” and more “What exactly do they mean by ‘companion’?”

  7. Vic’s thoughts: “I can’t argue with that, but I feel like I should.”

    10,000 points to anyone who knows where that quote is from.

  8. I think Vic is wondering just what Chel has been up to! And how much she is not telling him.

  9. Well, he’s not getting rabid fangirls attacking Chel for stealing ‘their’ guy. That’s a good sign, in my opinion.

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