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“How do you know so much about it?” Chel studied her cup and the drink inside it curiously. It smelled good, but the thickness was a little concerning. She tilted the cup up to sample the ‘liquid’ and found it thick like honey, but fruity and smoother. Maelinn watched Chel for a moment, pondering the best way to answer her question. She really did not want to discuss it and bringing up the reasons she knew so much about the game and how it came to be as it was now. “Because I was created for the same purpose.” Maelinn finally sighed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Almost halfway through the month and half a month to go to get extra updates! Plus, it pays a bill I have due on Sunday! Have $26 to go! - Tiff

12 thoughts on “04/12/2012

  1. Poor Maelinn to bring up this piece of her past. (Yeah we knew it a long time ago).

    I am going to laugh if the ADC is broadcasting Chel Right now and forgot about Maelinn being one of their lod dice experiments.

  2. Two words: Spit take. 😛

    1. This is Chel…she’s more likely to choke.

  3. 🙁 Poor Maelinn. She probably washed out of the program early and was sold off to make some money back for the ADC.

  4. Where did her face marks go?

    1. She has some of whatever Claudia is, and can change her hair and skin, albeit with a little more difficulty since she is not pure….chameleon???

  5. Oh yeah, it was mentioned way back she was one of the wash outs when they didn’t quite know the parental needs of humanoid races that were newly born.

    It was one of Lexx’s brother’s best known acts of compassion for another living person. One can only imagine what it was like when they started the breeding programs.

  6. I hate to be nit-pickedy about this, but several panels back Maelinn had yellow markings on her face that are now gone. I this some sort of bio-morphic ability, or a continuity issue?

    1. I think she has a few races mixed into her biology.

      One of them is the one that can control their skin tone. Though not to the degree as a pure blood of that race.

      So it might be her stripes just simply disappeared. It could also be a telling point of how Chel’s question effected her.

      1. More likely Tiff forgot them. She’s admitted to forgetting Lexx’s earrings or Chel’s rings several times.

        1. Make that “rings” singular (her purity ring).

  7. what ever happened to Epsy’s eggs?

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