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Vic listened to the two talking, feigning disinterest. He did not want to interrupt their conversation and listening was a good way to gather information without asking questions. Chel was asking things he could very well be acting, but lacked the relationship with these aliens to be asking. They were friendly enough, in the way one is friendly to a strange child that they don’t know. By now, Vic was used to it and understood that it wasn’t personal. He had seen enough to form a deeper understanding of these aliens, how to deal with them and what was going on. Most importantly, he was seeing just how involved his own daughter was and what Lexx was going through. It didn’t mean he agreed with the situation or lessened his concerns about the dangers Lexx presented by his part in the game. Vic’s observations had given him an insight into Lexx that Chel would likely not have. Lexx was dangerous, volatile and was not even in control of himself. Vic did not have any doubts that he had intended to harm Chel and what Riley had told him only made him want to stand between Chel and Lexx more. Yes, it was not Lexx’s fault he was in this situation and Vic could easily muster sympathy for the boy, but at the same time, what he could do to Chel and his inability to stop it if it came down to it was always in his thoughts. His eyes drifted to the large dice scattered in the adjoining room. Vic did not trust the cat, but the two dragons? He wanted them with Chel. They seemed more like very obedient, very intelligent dogs who truly had Chel’s welfare in mind. More importantly, they could stand up to Lexx. He wasn’t sure how well, but long enough to be a delay. This is a bad situation all around. Vic lowered his head an sighed to himself. As he did, he caught a glimpse of something in the large view window. His eyes snapped open and he stared upward. “Huh…” His expression changed abruptly from curiosity to horror as he recognized what was now being shown in the view window.

16 thoughts on “04/16/2012

  1. Ok. Vic’s face just went past the “I’ve seen a ghost.”, beyond “Aliens are real and this the the first time anyone told me, and they told me by introducing me to a fanged horror of Canis Major.” right on down to “That’s about the last thing I want to see right now, what the hell is that doing here?!” territory.

  2. What is he looking at?

  3. Vic, you’re doing the trollface all wrong.

  4. Oh no, the ship has been invaded by a vicious meme. It’s Ceiling Cat!

    1. its only a world where ones thoughts get telivised, whatever could anyone be doing, thinking or watching to attract Ceiling Cat?

      1. Ceiling cat just wants one of those drinks.

  5. Got a question for you. Is there any way to get mirrored versions of those buttons like we used to? I used to use one as my wallet-mirror, and now it’s gone missing. If there’s a way to get one, I’ll add it to the order I intend to make in the near future.

    1. Yes. 😀

      1. Excellent. I’ve been looking through the various stores, and could not seem to find an option to purchase one. How would I go about doing so?

  6. Ummm…that’s never a good reaction to a ceiling. Is there a face-hugger up there or something?

    1. Worse. Track lighting on stucco… *shudder*

      1. Oh my gosh! It’s too horrible!

  7. Whatever it is, it looks like he can’t decide if he should kill it or ask it a question. 😛

  8. Wow the text really puts a different spin on this and the next page.

  9. “Chel was asking things he could very well be acting, but lacked the relationship with these aliens to be asking.”

    Should it be ‘could very well be asking’…? I only point out because it seems likely this was a typo.

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